Chapter 7

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Jeff's P.O.V

"Jeff Sweetie? Are you coming?" mom yelled from down stairs. "Yeah give me a second!" I yelled back. I walked over to my dresser and took out my last white shirt and placed it in my suitcase. I looked around my room, seeing if I had everything. I'm sad about leaving my family, but I'm also happy because I get to see my friends again. I zipped my suitcase and lifted it off my bed. I only have two more months of school left, and in those two months I have 16 Warbler practices and 2 competitions. Regionals and Nationals. It's so exciting, it would be big to win Nationals on our last year of school. We'regoing against the New Directions, both us won our individual Sectionals. So that'll be fun. I can't wait to see Nick and Sebastian, Thad, Wesley and maybe even Blaine! I hope there spring breaks were a lot more confusing then mine. "Jeff everyone's waiting in the car, Are you coming?" Riker asked walking in the room, looking at my packed suitcase. "Okay well lets go..." I smiled, as Riker grabbed ahold of my suitcase and pulling it out our door. We got to the van and I got in as Riker loaded up my suitcase. "What took you so long Rik?" Rydel asked. "I'm Jeff..." I said. "Oh your wearing Riker's sweater... Sorry..." She apologized. I was wearing Rikers sweater. I left all of mine either at Dalton or at home, well the home with my mo- kidnapper... Riker, Rocky and I were all in the back rows. Rydel, Ryland and Ross were all in the middle and mom and dad up front. We started the longish drive to Ohio. Within 20 minutes of driving Rocky was passed out. Rydel, Ross and Ryland were all talking about some kinda of pool party. "So Rik what are your plans for the next two months?" I asked Glancing at my 8 minute older brother. "Um nothing really, band practice, facetiming my brother, a couple interviews, a concert here and there and uh Ross is throwing a pool party for his friend Calum." He answered. I nodded, "Why does Calum need a party?" I asked. Riker shrugged, "No idea." I nodded, "So how about you?" he asked me. "Uh schooling, Warblers practice, glee competitions, a party here and there and graduation...." I spoke. I wanted to invite my family to my graduation, but I've known them for two weeks, will they really go to some graduation of someone they've known for 2 weeks? Riker and I continued small talk until I saw the huge 'Welcome to Ohio' sign. I can't wait for things to be back to normal, Nick, Seb and I all going to the Lima bean to get our coffees. "Earth to Jeff!" Riker said waving his hand in front of my face. "Huh wha? Yeah?" I asked coming back to reality. "I just wanted to know if I was going the right way to your school." Dad smiled in the rear view mirror. "Oh uh yeah." I said looking around, noticing my home towns details. "Just take a left then go straight and on the 3rd road turn right." I instructed him. he nodded and followed everything I said. "Okay guys look for my school!" I said wanting to make a game out of it.  "Oh is it that?" Rydel asked poimting to the retiarments home. How old does she think I am? "Nope." I said poping the 'p'. "How bout that one?" Ryland asked looking at the community center. "No." I said smiling as we started getting closer. "Oh! Oh! I know! It's that one!!" Riker smiled pointing to Dalton Academy. "Bingo!" I shouted high fiving him. Everyone looked at us funny. "Yeah they are twins..." Ross said, as dad parked the car in my parking spot. "Come on." I said as I walked in the school with my family trailing behind me. I winded through the groups of friends being re-united, kids saying bye to parents and teachers talking with parents. I got to my room and just walked in knowing Seb was already in there. When I walked in everyone was in there, Nick, Seb, Thad, Wesley, Trent and even Blaine. I smiled and hugged them all. "Hey guys!" I smiled, escaping the group hug. I glanced aty family awkwardly standing outside the door. "We'll get re-unted later at warbler practice. Remember it's at 6:00 exactly, be there or be square!" That explained kiddingly. "We have to go unpack see ya guys." Nick said walking out as Thad, Trent and Wes all walked out and dawn the hall. "I best be off to, McKinley is having a welcome back party and Kurt wants me there." Blaine spoke hugging me one more time before walking out the door and down the hall. I motioned my family in. They all sat on with mine or Sebs bed. "I'm hungry..." Rocky complained holding his stomach. "Seb and I will go to the dining hall and get us some food." I spoke as Seb and I started out the door leaving My family in the room. "Feel free to use the computer or Tv . oh and my WiFi stuff is written on a sticky not on the computer." I said walking out. I explained my spring break to Seb the beat I could. Once we got the food we returned for my family to eat. After they finished they decided to leave. Seb and I went to bed and got a well sleep.
Answer:Smellington Bratliff
This chapter's question: what was Ross' before twitter?

YAY spring break! Now I need a well deserving sleep just like Jeff and Sebastian! Night guys!!

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