Chapter 23

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The cruise ended, everyone's lives went back to normal... beside mine. My life doesn't have a normal anymore. Riker hasn't spoken to me, the rest of the Lynch kids don't bother trying anymore. They keep asking Riker and I what's up- but they never get a reply. Riker and I were sat in the living room, mom and dad went to the next town over to sort out some R5 stuff with Ryland and Rocky. Rydel and Ellington are out who knows where. And Ross is spending the day with Calum Worthy.

I stared blankly at the TV, set to one of Riker's shows. I heard someone knock on the door but kept my gaze set on the screen. Riker, whom I thought would get the door, did exactly the same thing. I rolled my eyes, huffing in annoyance at him and stood to get the door. I swiftly pulled the door open and was greet with none other than Nicholas Duval. We were just about face to face- he was obnoxiously close to me. I quickly took a step back and turned my gaze to the floor. It had been months since I'd seen him. 

"Hey, Jeff," He smiled, I held back my glare, being too polite to tell him what I thought of him at this very instant. 

"Hey," I grumbled bitterly. 

"Haven't seen you in a while," Nick started.

"Mhmm," I hummed, not bothering with words. 

"I was wondering if you'd like to come ou-" he started, I quickly shut the door and ran to the back door. I needed to get away. It was all too much- everything over the past months is suffocating me. 

"Jeff? Where are you going?" I ignored Riker as I bolted down the street. I ran to the one place I could think of. 


"Jeff?" Carter asked confused, as he opened his door. I huffed out of breath and I wrapped my arms around him. Needing any sort of comfort he would give me. "What's wrong?" he whispered, wrapping his arms around me as well and pulling me into his apartment. 

"Everything." I whispered into his shirt. 

"I'm going to need slightly more detail than that..." Carter mumbled, causing me to laugh a little.

"Nick showed up at my house," I mumbled into his shoulder as he sat us on the couch. 

"Nick as in the guy who kissed your twin brother?" he clarified. I nodded. "What did he want?" Carter hissed. 

"He wanted to invite me out... but I slammed the door in his face and bolted out the back door." I mumbled sheepishly. 

"You go, Blondie Boy!" I laughed at the nickname.

"Do you mind if I stay here for a few days? I don't want to go home... Things with Riker have only gotten worse." I mumbled, pulling away from our hug and leaning back into the couch cushions. 

"Yea, sure. The guest room is always open to you." Carter smiled. 

"Thanks so much." I smiled. He nodded in response. 

"I was just gonna make lunch, would you like some?" Carter questioned. 

"Sure, I'll help." I smiled. 

"Okay," he beamed.


"It just dawned on me that we don't know very much about each other." I mumbled, taking a bite of the sandwich placed in front of me.

"Hmm, I guess you're right... what do you wanna know?" he took a bite of his sandwich as well.

"Where do you work?" I questioned- this two bedroom apartment is not something anyone with a basic job could afford. He also doesn't have a roommate so he has to cover the whole rent. 

"I'm a blogger," he explained. 

"Oh?" I questioned in amazement.

"You're wondering about the apartment, right?" He laughed. I felt my cheeks flush as he figured me out. 

"kind of," I admitted, taking another bit of my sandwich. 

"Well, my mother and father were quite wealthy people. They bought this apartment giving me a place to bring 'girls' home... they didn't like the fact that I was gay, so they bought me things to bribe me out of it. When they passed away in a car accident a few years back everything was given to me and my brother..." 

"I'm sorry for your loss," I muttered, studding his face for sadness. 

"It's all right. I mean, I miss them and everything- they are my parents, but it's nice to finally embrace who I am. My brother accepts my sexuality... I only wish they could've as well."

I hummed an agreement. "I think my family would understand if I came out." I said. 

"They don't know?" Carter asked confused. 

"Well, my old mom did and all my school friends do. But I was too nervous to tell the Lynch's. What if they don't accept me? What if they kick me out?"

"You'll always have a place here," Carter smiled at me, collecting both our plates and taking them to the sink. I smiled back at him. How did I get so lucky?

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