Chapter 18

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Jeff's P.O.V

My fro-yo date with Carter was just what I needed. Sadly I haven't seen him in about 3 days. And the situation with Riker has made everyone awkward and the tension between us has been unstandable. 

"Boys?" Mom opened Riker and I's door. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, as Riker just groaned and pulled his blankets over his head. 

"Breakfast is ready." she shut the door. I looked over at Riker to see his arm reaching out from under the covers, trying to locate his glasses from his nightstand. I stood up and stretched a little, before walking downstairs and taking a seat beside Ross at the table. Riker slowly trailed behind me, and took a seat next to Rydel. 

"So, your dad and I have been talking, and we've decided that we need some family bonding time." At this news I looked up from my plate and raised an eyebrow. 

"What do you two have planned?" Ross raised his eyebrow as well. 

"Well we were thinking that we could take a cruise, only a week long." Dad informed us. All my sibling bursted into cheers. 

"No way! this is sick!" Rocky yelled. I smiled a little. 

"We got 4 cabins, and the sleeping arrangements will stay the same, Ross and Ry, Rik and Jeff, mom and I, and we'll put Rocky and Rydel together. Everyone good with that?" As I went to interject, about Riker and I's tension, he freaking kicked me under the table. 

"You good with this Jeff?" Mom asked nervously. I glance over at Riker to see him glaring at me and I slowly nodded after swallowing the lump in my throat. 

"Perfect, we may also get to do some R5 performances." Dad smiled, towards his 4 children who are in the band and the one DJ. 

"Does that mean Ratliff is coming?" Rydel asked excitedly, all the boys rolled their eyes at how excited she was and I jut smiled. I think it's cute.

"Yes, the Ratliff's are coming as well."  Ducky, I'm just going to be singled out even more! Parents get a romantic get away, R5 gets some gigs and I'll be chilling in the cabin like the party animal I am. 

"When do we leave?" Riker asked, glancing at me. 

"Two days," Mom informed us, "The tickets we quite expensive, since it was such short notice." 

"So we should start packing?" Ryland questioned. Mom and Dad nodded, as all the kids- except me- took off towards the stairs. 

"Aren't you excited sweetie?" Mom asked me, resting her hands on my shoulders, I quickly nodded and forced a bright smile onto my face. She smiled and continued clearing my siblings dishes. I stood up and helped her. 

"Mom is it alright if I go to a friends house while everyone else is packing?" I asked quietly, after placing the collected dishes in the sink. She though about it for a second before nodding. 

"As long as you are packed by tomorrow afternoon." I smiled and kissed he cheek before walking to the door and slipping on a pair on sneakers, I think these are Ross'- but oh well. i started out the door and too the only place I actually fully trusted someone. 


"Oh hey Jeff, Didn't expect to see you today!" Carter smiled brightly, after pulling his front door open. 

"Hey." I mumbled, waiting for him to allow me in. 

"Come in, come in." He smiled, fully opening the door. I walking in and sat on the couch we actually became friends on. 

"Can I get you something? coffee? Orange juice?"He asked, I shook my head. 

"How about Chocolate milk?" He smirked. 

"Oh come on! Why'd you gotta go do that me me??" I groaned, with a playful smile on my lips.

"Is that a no?" 

"No, I want the chocolate milk." I sighed defeated. 

"Although you know I love your visits, you usually have a reason and don't usually just waltz over." He joked, handing me a cup of chocolate milk, and sitting beside me sipping at his own glass. I smiled and slightly shook my head. 

"I'm going on a cruise in two days..." I started slowly. 

"Surely that isn't the problem, cruises are awesome! I took one to Hawaii with my family!" He smiled happily.

"Well- yes but no, I'm excited, but I have to share a cabin with Riker." I explained. 

"Oh well, couldn't you like swap with a sibling? As far as I know you have enough to swap around." We both laughed.

"That's only part of the problem, I'm going to be spending alot of it alone." I sighed, taking a sip of the chocolaty deliciousness. 

"Why's that?" He asked, I'm starting to look at him like a therapist, which I guess it is good since he does want to be one, and he's studying to be one at university. 

"Well, My siblings are bringing their band-mate Ellington Ratliff and they are going to be doing some gigs, and mom and dad are going to be spending some time together, as cruises are pretty romantic. "

"I see your point. I'd buy a ticket if I could but course during the week that I need to attend." He informed me sadly. 

"I think you should just make the best of it, it is going to be your first family vacation." He smiled, drinking the rest of his milk. 

"I guess, anyways I have to go pack." I checked my phone and noticed it was 4:37 now and I skipped lunch. 

"All right, Love, enjoy yourself and stay safe." He hugged me. 

"See you in a week and two days, Bae." I smiled, hugging back. We pulled apart and I started back home. Once inside I went straight upstairs and started packing since they boys, Rydel and dad were all out playing football.  I neatly folded my clothes and packed them in, PJ's, lazy clothes, fancy clothes, party clothes, shorts, sunglasses, sandals, and a towel. Well that only took 10 minutes. I can't wait to see how this goes. 

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