Chapter 5

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Jeff's P.O.V

I gulped quietly to myself, hoping Riker didn't hear me. Calm down Jeff, it's just your family you met, I don't know 4 hours ago?but have you really mastered Riker in 4 hours? It took you 17- I mean 21 years to master yourself. We started walking down the stairs, Riker ahead of me in my Warblers uniform, and me following in his clothes. "If you get anything on that uniform I will kill you." I muttered into Riker ear. "Don't worry I won't..." Riker spoke clearly doubting himself. "I got a couple splatters of slushie on that and it took me 3 washes and 2 trips to the dry cleaners to get it off." I spoke grumpily. Flash backs of the day the New Directions and the Warblers went head to head, singing Micheal Jackson's Bad. The horrifying moment when Seb through the slushie in Blaine's face haunted my flash back. The good thing is that Seb turned good and Blaine forgave all of us. So that's fun. "Hey Rik, Hey Jeff nice costume." Rydel spoke stopping us infront of the stairs. "Actually It's my school uniform." Riker said, looking at me, asking if he got it right with his eyes. I nodded and he did a little fist pump as Rydel turned to me. "Riker we have band practice at 6, don't be late" she said kiddingly. "When Have I ever been late?" I asked with a slight smirk, glancing behind Rydel to see Riker nodding with a small smile. "Well I'm gonna go text Kaylee." Rydel said skipping down the hall, and into her room. "You remebered what the ubiform is for." I spoke softly and quietly. He nodded, "And how did you know I never missed band practice?" he asked, same voice as me. I did an awkward cough, "A kid at Dalton is in love with you guys..." I said. "Is she cute?" Riker asked, eyeing me. "Uh all boys school so you guess." I said giving him the really look. He frowned at me and I laughed at him. He playfully shoved me and I shoved him back. "What are you two doing?" Mark asked walking into the livingroom, where our shove fight brought us. "Doing twin stuff." I smiled. Riker was nodding as he backed me up. Mark chuckled and ruffled both of our hair, "It's great having my twins back." He smiled pulling us into head locks now. I easily escaped, as Riker couldn't, he send me a help me look and I did a self defence move that didn't hurt that much and that could make someone let go. In easy words I taisered him. He released a squeal, as his face flushed a dark pink. "You boys didn't hear that!" Dad laughed walking out of the room leaving us laughing our asses off. "W-where did you l-learn how to do that?" Riker asked as he tried to calm himself, wiping away a tear. "Uh this kid named Blaine at school, he was bullied for being gay, so his brother sent him to self defence and he taught us what he learned the next day." I shrugged my shoulders. "Well you have to teach me, you don't know hom many times I get head locked in this house." Riker said with a dramatic scarred face. We passed by all our siblings... and non of them could tell the difference. But Riker did get some compliments on my uniform. "Okay, now we're moving to the hardest person to trick... mom..." Riker said with an overly dramatic sigh. I laughed at him alittle bit and he glared, "Hi mom," I said walking into th kitchen dragging Riker behind me. I felt like our personalities switched. I felt like I was Riker. Is this some kind of twin telepathy? or somthing? oh Well. "So mom what's for dinner?" I asked sitting at an island stool. "meatloaf, mac & cheese and corn." She smiled. "Jeff are you allergic to anything?" Stormie asked Riker. He gave me the help-I-don't-know-this-one look. I mouthed 'Grapes' he nodded. "Only Grabes." I did a double take, and glared a him, "Grapes, grapes, grapes." I whispered so only he could hear. "Grabes?" Stormie asked confuesed. "Oh my mistake Grapes, I was thinking about something compleatly different and your question just slipped my mind." Wow Riker can lie like a pro. Well so can I but. Stormie nodded and sent us to get our siblings and Mark for dinner. We quickly changed back and I did my hair agan to match Rikers. "Dinnneeerrrr!" Riker yelled. "Great switch, now we know we can do it." Riker smiled. I nodded and we went back down stairs. "Well don't my little twins look adorable with the same hair." Stormie swooned over our matching hair style. Well that was a positive switch.

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