Chapter 16

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Riker's P.O.V

I waited, and waited. I texted him 34 times and called about 20 times. Where is he?! He's my baby twin brother and he hasn't come home. We all lied to mom, because I bribed my siblings. They don't know what really happened, just that Jeff is totally pissed at me. I don't plan on telling them that Jeff's Best friend randomly kissed me thinking that I was Jeff. Plus how would you bring that into conversation? I don't want my sibling teasing me and if Jeff really is gay, I don't want to out him. What kind of brother would I be if I outed my brother? I didn't sleep at all last night. The party ended at about 2am. A lot of people were drunk, no idea how. We didn't have any alcohol. After that my sibling and I tidied up so mom wouldn't fuss in the morning. Then they went to sleep. I just stared at the empty bed beside me, navy blue sheets wrapped tightly around the untouched mattress. It's about 7am, mom and dad went out for the day. The house is pretty tidy. A couple touches here and there then we're done. I poured myself a cup of coffee, and sat on the couch.  I stared at the door, waiting for it to open and I to be greeted with my brother. But that probably won't happen. I turned the TV on and started channel surfing, looking for something mildly entertaining to watch.  after about 25 minutes of channel surfing the door opened and there stood Jeffery Lynch.

Jeff's P.O.V

I still can't believe my won brother would do that. "Are you sure you want to go back?" Carter asked sympathetically. I nodded, "I have too they are still family. Plus it's only Riker I'm mad at, My other siblings did nothing wrong." I sighed. Carter and I pretty much became best friends last night. "How's your hand?" He asked with a small smirk. "Fine thanks." I rolled my eyes playfully. "I'm just kidding, But really how is you hand?" he laughed. "It's fine mom." I smiled ad he playfully hit my arm. "Don't speak to your mother that way!" He said in a feminine voice. I laughed so hard. "So should I drive you back to your place?" Carter asked. I nodded, "That would be lovely," I said in a posh accent. We got into his car and started towards the Lynch household. "Can I uh have your phone number?" I asked. He nodded. I turned my phone and it blew up with messages, many from Riker, 2 from Ross, 4 from Rydel, 1 from Rocky and 2 from Ryland. There was also a text from mom saying to enjoy the fireworks show and hotel stay. Da Fuq? I went to my contacts app and snapped a picture of Carter, he complained that his hair wasn't on fleek and he looked like wild animal while driving, but I just laughed and continued. "Ugh fine the number is-" He read off the number and I hit save. "Send me a text so I have your number too." He laughed. I sent a simple Hey, then a random weird message. "I'm gonna save you as Blondie Boy." He smirked happily. "You wouldn't." I gasped. "I'm so gonna!" He yelled happily, pulling into the driveway. "Fine then, I'm gonna save you as Queen Carter." I laughed, He had a straight face for a moment, before he broke it. "How kind of you to notice my royal-ness." He gasped ladylike, doing a pretend hair flip. I laughed at his weirdness and stared at the door. "We can go get some ice-cream or something...?" Carter offered. I shook my head with a sigh. "Maybe later today, but I should go see my family." I pulled the door handle and the car door opened. "Well text when you want and we can go do something!" Carter responded with a cheeky smile. "And don't forget to ice your hand." He smiled, leaning over the seats. I laughed at him again, "Your so weird!" I pushed him up. "But you love it!" He challenged. I nodded and shut the car door. We waved at each other, before he started pulling out of the driveway. I could see Riker's and Rydel's cars here but mom and dad's was gone. I sat on the steps for a second, What do I say? Do I bring it up with Riker? What will I tell my siblings? How will I explain my hand? Why didn't  I come home? Many questions ran through my head. I stood up with a sigh and placed my hand on the door handle. I twisted and pushed, and it revealed a messy house. It was slightly cleaner than it was last night, but it was still a total wreck. I walked in and pushed a Pepsi can with my foot. I continued up the stairs, and looked into each of my siblings rooms. Ross and Ryland were both passed out, Ryland's head hanging off the bed, and his Red sheets wrapped loosely around his body. Ross was laying the wrong direction, on top of his sheets, using his arms as a pillow as his feet were on his pillow. Rocky was passed out in a pile of clothes on his floor, a string of spit hanging down his face...? I'm not even gonna ask. Rydel slept peacefully under her blankets, looking as she usually did. I stopped at the last door. Mine and Riker's room. He's probably in there. Am I really ready to face him? As ready as I'll ever be. I thought as I quietly swung the door open, to reveal an empty room. Riker's sheets were torn up, mine sat as I had left them the morning before. As his happened, a large pain shot through my plastered arm. I should probably ice this or Carter will start nagging me. I walked down stairs and into the kitchen. I went to the freeze an pulled out one of the icepacks we had from when Ross skateboarded into the stop sign. I gently placed it over my arm, as someone cleared their throat. "Jeff we need to talk." I quickly turned on me heels to see my on and only twin brother. Well this should be fun.......

There's 2? (R5/Glee Fan fiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ