Chapter 21

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"Hey guys," I greeted Sebastian, Blaine and Kurt. I'm so glad that there are no hard feelings about the whole 'Rock-Salt-Slushy-Thing'. I took a seat across from Blaine and beside Sebastian. 

"How's your cruise been?" Blaine asked, sipping his drink. I shrugged. 

"Meh, my family ditched me today..."

"Right, your new family, what's it like?" Kurt asked, moving his straw around his glass. 

"They're famous aren't they?" Sebastian inquired. I nodded before speaking,

"It's very different, that's for sure. I went from being an only child to being one of six plus an additional one. As for fame, they are relatively well known, next week is full of performances for them. They go by the name R5, I think."

"Hmm, R5? Never heard of them," Kurt took a sip of his drink.

"I don't think they were very popular in Ohio, I hadn't heard of them either- and I'm practically a clone of the bassist." They guys laughed at my twin joke and we ordered our meal. 

"How are you guys? Is it romantic enough for you two?" I smiled at the blushing Blaine.  

"It's a lovely cruise, such a beautiful view." Kurt smiled, gazing out the window towards the sea. I nodded. 

"How have you and Nick been?" Sebastian questioned. I frowned slightly. They all know I had a crush on Nick... They don't know about Nick and Riker kissing though...

"I actually haven't spoken to him recently, we've sort of drifted apart." I said with a small smile.

"Oh that sucks," Kurt sighed. I nodded once again. 

"Foods here," Blaine smiled, clearing room for his plate. The meal was very good, I ordered BBQ wings. I spent a better part of the day just hanging out with them, they truly are amazing people. After the whole Karofsky almost suicide thing, something inside Sebastian snapped. He became a better person, and was nicer to everyone- including Kurt, who he'd insult on a regular basis. After that drastic change, Blaine and Kurt accepted his apology and we've all been close friends ever since. 

"Do you guys want to head back to our place?" Kurt questioned, placing his hand on Blaine's chest and cuddling into him.

"I should probably head to my sibling's concert," I explained. 

"That sounds fun," Blaine smiled,

"I could use some dancing," Seb laughed, doing a little warbler dance move. I grinned, I didn't think they'd want to come. 

"I'll let you guys catch up," Kurt smiled, "I should go call my dad anyways,"

"Are you sure?" Blaine questioned, Kurt nodded and Blaine continued, "Tell your dad I say hi," Kurt nodded and disappeared down a corridor. 

"Shall we get going?" Seb asked,

"Wait, we don't have tickets," Blaine reminded. 

"I can get you guys in," I laughed, Blaine looked dumbfounded for a second before it clicked. We all laughed on our way to where the concert was being held. There was a line, no one really noticing us, as they were staring at a room which probably contained my siblings and Ratliff. I walked to the front of the line and the security guard noticed me. 

"Can I help you?" He questioned boldly

"I'm supposed to be back there-"

"And them?" He interrupted pointed at Seb and Blaine who looked nervous. 

"They're with me, I'm part of the family." I glared at the man. 

"Pff, yea right, back in line." Yep that was the final straw, I cleared my throat and pointed towards an R5 banner. He looked at the banner and back at me. "Oh my god, Riker Lynch, I'm so sorry." I rolled my eyes, why does everyone think I'm Riker.

"Did he say Riker?!"



My eyes widened and I ushered Blaine and Seb into the room where the concert was being held. 

"That was uh- frightening," Blaine sighed, brushing back his slick gelled hair. 

"It was kinda cool, I can't believe they can't tell you and Riker apart." Seb said.

"I don't even think they know about me..." I frowned. They looked at me sympathetically, before continuing the conversation.  

"So when does it start?" Seb asked, sitting on the stage with his legs dangling off. 

"I don't know if they've done soundcheck yet." I said, pulling out my phone and texting Ross. 

Jeff: Ross, have you guys done soundcheck yet?

Ross: Yea, are you coming to the show?

Jeff: yep, I brought some friends too

Ross: Awesome, we'll be in, in a few minutes.

Jeff: Okay Great.

"They'll be here any minute, I'd also just like you to prepare yourselves." I started

"Prepare ourselves for what...?"

"For the R5er's there may not be many on this cruise, but they are very... let's say loyal." They both nodded. 

"We should rent this room sometime during the day and perform some of the Warbler routines," Blaine smiled. I nodded, that sounds fun. 

"Hey Jeff- and Jeff's friends." Ellington walked into the room first.

"Hey," I said as my siblings and parents followed him in. 

"Hey everyone," I smiled. Everyone looked towards Blaine and Sebastian. Blaine coughed awkwardly. "This is Sebastian Smythe and Blaine Anderson." I introduced them. They shook some hands and we prepared ourselves for the fans. 

"Are you sure you don't wanna go backstage?" Riker asked, I could tell he was nervous- as we looked so similar and he didn't want me getting jumped by teenagers. 

"You guys wanna go back?" I questioned, they both nodded and we followed Riker backstage. 

"Mom, Dad and Ryland will be on the other side of the stage," Riker said, before running off to collect his bass and taking his spot on stage. I watched the fans pile into the room, all cheering happily. 

"This is awesome!" Blaine yelled over the music, we may be a little tipsy from the alcohol. 

"Totally," Sebastian agreed. I nodded my head and made eye contact with Riker for a second. He laughed and went on singing his line. We bounced around backstage, coming up with our own lyrics, as we knew nothing. As the show was coming to an end, Riker glanced at me. 

"Let's get you guys back," I took that as my signal for 'Get-Out-While-You-Can' 

I have to admit, it was a pretty good day... aside from being left out by my family....

There's 2? (R5/Glee Fan fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz