Chapter 11

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Riker's P.O.V
"JEFFERY SIMON LYNCH WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Oooo that doesn't sound good. Mom never yells like that. I started down stairs to see what my brother had gotten into. "You could've been kidnapped, or killed!" Mom shouted. "I-" Jeff started. "No. Go to your room your grounded!" Ooo harsh.... Jeff walked past me, and I followed him. We got into our room and Jeff flopped onto his bed. "What kept you out so late? I thought you went with Ross?" I asked. "I did, but I ran into a school friend at the skatepark, then we went to that ice place. After that we took a walk on the beach... Once I noticed the time I raced home, but was too late." He sighed. "Dude what happened to your nose? It's all red and bloody." I said looking at his swelled nose. "Nothing too bad, I just ran into a rock, why?" He asked sitting up. "Cause it looks broken..." I said standing him up, and showing him, his reflection in the mirror on our door. "It does look broken, but it's perfectly fine....-" he said reaching up to touch his nose. "OWW!" He yelped. "Yep that's broken..." I winced. "I'll go tell mo-" "NO!" He answered quickly. "What why not?" I asked. "Cause she told me to stay in my room. I can't disobey her... Or else... Never mind." Jeff said, but never finished. "Let's see who notices first." He said. I nodded, not really thinking it was a good idea, but hey, It's his nose. We got ready for bed, and both went to sleep.

Jeff's P.O.V
I woke up in the middle of the night, feeling something wet and sticky on my pillow. I turned my lamp on and released a slight scream when I saw blood covering my pillow. My scream woke Riker up and he jumped up fumbling to get his glasses and put the on his head. "W-what happened??" He asked nervously. "Nothing my nose just started bleeding.." I said sounding funny cause the swelling has gotten worse. Riker yawned, then I yawned. "I-I'll get you a spare pillow case..." Riker said mid-yawn. I nodded and started striping my pillow from it's case. Riker returned seconds later with another yawn. "H-here it i-is..." He said placing it on my bed. I pulled the pillow case over my pillow and lazily got back into the bed. I flipped the switch on my lamp and the room fell dark and snore filled.

Riker's P.O.V
I woke up the next morning and looked over at Jeff, his nose looked a lot more swollen. I think I should tell mom, but I don't wanna backstab my brother. I got out of bed and shook Jeff awake. "Breakfast time." I smiled. He stood up and we walked down stairs together. We start at the table, and mom turned towards us. She gasped and within seconds she had he hands on Jeff's cheek, examining his nose. "Jeffrey. What happened?" She asked sternly. "I ran into a rock." He said. "I want an honest answer." She glared. "No it's true, ask Sebastian." He said. She shook her head frustratedly. "Riker, Jeff we're going to the hospital." She announced, grabbing he keys. "We're still in Pajama's..." Riker stated. "I did it to you when you were young, I'll do it to you now." She answered. We shrugged and followed her put to the car. Once we got to the hospital, Jeff got an x-ray done, And he did indeed break his nose. They put the nose brace thing on him and said since it's a small break it'll heal just as it was before, but since the swelling got so bad, they prescribed pain killers and told us the swelling wouldn't go away for a couple weeks. They also said that the pain killers are extreme so don't let him out of our sights and keep him on bed rest.
666 words again... Creepy.

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