Chapter 10

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Ross' P.O.V

It's really weird having two Riker's... And there is like no way to tell them apart. When the decide to switch clothes for the first time, we're screwed. I wonder how the #R5Family is gonna take there being two Riker's... Jeff is defiantly the quietist Lynch. He fits in, in his own different way.

Jeff's P.O.V

I was sitting in the front yard. Ross skated up to me, "Wanna cone to the skate park?" He asked kicking his board up and catching it. "I can't skate but sure!" I said standing up. He started skating, and I watched him turn into a fenced area. "Come on Jeff!" He shouted from the top of a ramp. "I'm watching!" I stated taking a seat on one of the benches. I was checking out all the skater boys and the couple skater girls. One skater dude looked really firmilliar... Almost like... Sebastian... He skated closer to me. "Hey Jeff, I forgot you moved here." He smiled. "Yeah, what are you doing here?" I asked. "Oh I'm just visiting my dad for a while." He said. I remembers how his parents split up a while back. I saw Ross skate over. "Whose your friend Jeff?" Ross asked. "Oh Ross, Sebastian my friend, Seb Ross my brother." I said introducing them to one another. "Nice to meet you man," Ross said. "Likewise..." Sebastian returned. "Jeff I was gonna go skate with some friends at a better slate park... Catch ya later?" He asked. "Yeah sure, see you at home." I stated. "Wanna do something?" I asked Seb. "Like what?" He asked. "Well my family was telling me about this awesome shaved ice place, called Get Shaved. Wanna try it with me?" He nodded and we walked over to get shaved. "Oh I do remember Ross..." Seb randomly said. "Really?" I asked looking in his direction. Once we arrived at get shaved we studied the menu for a couple minutes. (I have no idea what flavors Get Shaved has, as I'm Canadian and never been) We ordered our shaved ice we both took a bite at the same time. "OMG it's like heaven in my mouth!" "I've never tasted anything this good!" We said at the same time.. We ate our shaved ice talking, and commenting on the taste. "Wanna walk down to the beach?" He asked. I nodded. Once we got to the smooth sand we took our shoes off and held them as we started walking. "I miss school already..." Seb sighed. I nodded. I too had began missing school as well. "Did you hear Nick is coming to Cali to visit his grandparents?" Seb asked. I smiled when Seb said his name... I've always had a small crush on him...shhh don't tell anyone.... "No, so when's he coming?" I asked. "Uh a couple weeks I think. And Blaine and Kurt might come down to spend some time on the beach. Maybe we could all meet up?" He continued. As I was looking at Seb and he was looking at be, when I looked forwards. I walked right into a huge rock, and so did Sebastian. "OUCH!" I yelped grabbing my nose in pain. "OW" Seb said. My nose started bleeding. Oh great I have nothing to put on it. I took off my coat and held it up to my nose. I saw Seb wiggling his nose. "When did this rock get here?" He asked sounding funny since he was wiggling his nose. I shrugged "beats me..." I spoke. I looked up and there was a slight glow coming from above. I started climbing the rock, and Seb started after I was half way up. Once I reached the top, I stared amazed at the rock and cave. The rock in front of us, had some kind of fossil in it, like a dinosaur or who knows what! The cave was filled with Blue and white crystals. Woe was the only word I could say. "This place is so cool!" Seb smiled running his hand along the fossil. I smiled. "Let's make this our fort!" I said childishly. He nodded. I looked at the clock and it said 12:05. "Holy crap I was supposed to be home an hour ago!" I yelped climbing down the rock. "See ya Seb! If I live to see tomorrow!" I yelled picking up my pace. Well this isn't gonna end well...

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