Chapter 17

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Jeff's P.O.V

"We need to talk." I looked at my twin brother processing what he had just said. The way he said it, was almost as if I'd done the wrong thing here.

"Please Jeff say something." Riker begged, I must've not said anything. My mind is still totally blown to the minute. My own brother- No TWIN brother, kissed the boy I liked.

"I can't believe you." I said just above a whisper, loud enough for him to hear, before heading upstairs to our room. I sat on my bed and stared up to the ceiling. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I pulled it out to see a text, I quickly unlocked my phone. It was actually two texts.

Nick Duval : Have you thought about what I said last night? :*

What? He didn't say anything to me last night. He must've been really drunk. The other text was from Carter.

Queen Carter: Hey boo, how's your brother?

Blondie Boy: Eh it could be better.

Queen Carter: Wanna get some fro-yo wit meh?

Blondie Boy: OMG YES!

Queen Carter: Chill boi, It's not like I'm asking you to prom :D

Blondie Boy: Lol sorry, the tension in this house is so bad.

Queen Carter: I can imagine. Anyways, I'll pick you up in 20.

Blondie Boy: KK bae miss you ;)

Queen Carter: Luv u bae!

I re-read our conversation once and had a smile linger on my face. In one night that total stranger has become my best friend. I know I should be thinking about the whole 'Stranger Danger' Thing but he's too sweet to do anything to anyone. But I will admit the whole going to his apartment in the first 5 minutes we met wasn't my brightest decision.

"Listen Jeff, I'm sorry about last night an- What happened to your hand?" Riker walked into the room and stared at my bandaged hand.

"Nothing," I state sharply, standing up and grabbing my coat, with my injured hand to prove a point. I tried to contain the whimper I was holding back, but it slipped out.

"Seriously Jeff, Just cause your mad at me doesn't mean you can't trust me." He sighed sadly. Wait, Hold the phone! He thinks I should trust him?

"Are you serious right now?" I whipped around to face him. He stumbled backwards at my quick movements.

"Um, uh yea...?" I could tell he was at a loss for word.

"Riker you freaking made out with my best friend! And now you want me to 'trust you'?!" I put air quotes on the 'trust you'.

"Wait hold up! I never kissed your best friend! He kissed me!" Riker took a step towards me, making me take one back.

"Yea sure Riker, I'm sure he just goes kissing everyone's brother! Sebastian, Blaine and Kurt he's just waiting for the perfect time to kiss their siblings too!" I was getting frantic, how could he keep this going? Why can't he just own up?

"Maybe he's coming back tonight, to get his turn with Rocky, Ross and Ryland too!" I commented angrily.

"Please Jeff, I swear on R5 that I didn't kiss him. Please believe me..." He looked really emotional. I stayed silent.

"Jeff please?" He looked up at me. My phone buzzed, I slid it out of my pocket, to see a text from Carter.

Queen Carter: Hey boo, I'm here. Come when your ready! :D

Blondie Boy: K boo, just talking with my brother.

Queen Carter: Take your time Bae, I gots no where to be! :3

"Who are you texting?" Riker sighed looking up at me again.

"A friend. Now I'm going out and I'm gonna think about everything." I sighed.

"Who are you going with? What about you han-"

"You are not playing the over protective older brother right now." I hissed at him. He shrunk down. I pulled my coat, that I was still holding in my bad hand on. I started towards the door.

"Stay safe.." Riker said softly. I nodded with a small smile on my face and walked outside to see Carter's car.  opened the door and loud Taylor swift music filled my ears.

"You have a problem." I laughed at him over the music.

"Hay, it's not my fault, Tay Tay has so many awesome songs!" He replied with a goofy grin.

"So what happened with your brother?" He asked as he backed out of the driveway.

"I'm not entirely sure." I said, staring out the window.

"Hai Boo, You can tell me." Carter smiled, and I laughed at his tone.

"Well we just talked and he swore on his band that Nick kissed him."

"Nick?" He asked confused.

"Oh right, I've been explaining this whole thing using 'best friend' haven't I?" I laughed.

"Okay so from that I'm guessing Nick is the best friend? And what about this band?" He asked, and I nodded.

"Well all my siblings except my youngest one, are in this band with their best friend Ellington Ratliff called R5." I explained. He nodded.

"Wow..." He said, turning off the car as we were now outside some random frozen yogurt shop. We both got out and started walking in.

"I got it!" Cater smiled pulling the door open for me.

"Thanks." I smiled at him.

"What kind are you getting? I'm leaning towards the banana cream pie yogurt." He smile grabbing two small yogurt cups and handing me one.

"Hmm probably cake batter." I smiled, my mouth watering thinking about the delicious yogurt and toppings. He filled our cups with desired Yogurt and moved one to the toppings.

"Mmm whipped cream, Oreo crumble, rainbow sprinkles and a bright red cherry!" Carter described his yogurt.  

"I'm gonna get mini chocolate chip cookies, brownie chunks, whipped cream, rainbow sprinkles and two cherries!" I piled everything into my small cup and took a bite of the deliciousness. We walked up the counter and the clerk weighed our yogurts and told us the amount owed. I started digging in my coat pocket for my wallet, but carter grabbed my arm.

"No, no, no! I brought you here, I'm paying!" He handed her a 20 and got some change back.

"That's sweet, but I really could've paid for my own!" I smiled happily at him.

"Shall we sit?" He gestured to a table, shaking his head slightly.

"We shall..." I said. Maybe talking this whole situation out with someone will help me come up with a decision..................................

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