Steal Your Breath (Sakata Gintoki)

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But when the steam subsided, Gintoki met (Y/N)'s bare body. His nose splurted out blood and his eyes widened. "AHHH! Gin, you pervert!!" (Y/N) quickly poked his eyes as she yanked her towel and covered her body with it as she plopped herself down into the water.



"(Y/N)?! What are you doing in the men's bath?!" He yells as he blinked continuously thinking if he could still see. "Men's bath? This is the women's bath! Moreover, Gin! Tae-chan and the others are on their way here. If she finds you, you won't get out of this alive!" She yells as Gintoki quickly hid behind her.

Wrapping his arms around her waist as he lowered his head unto her back. "W-W-What are you doing?!" She yells, with a big red blush as he shushed her. "Help me get out of this. I dom't wanna die. You're my girlfriend, don't you love me?!" He shrieked as she sighed.

"What an idiot boyfriend, I have." She face palmed. "Besides, I don't even see why you got flustered, it's not like I haven't seen all of you." He smirked as she elbowed his gut. "Shut up, or I'll leave you to die."

"No. I'm sorry." He squeaked out as (Y/N) sighed. "(Y/N)-chan? Are you in there already?" Otae calls out as (Y/N) and Gintoki froze. "Y-Yeah!" (Y/N) yells as she quickly turned to Gintoki. "Alright, on my mark, you get up and run to the staff room. Okay?" She says as Gintoki nervously nodded.

"1— 2— 3! Run!" (Y/N) yells as Gintoki jumped out of the water, but then the door slid open and Kagura and Otae walked in. Gintoki jumped back down into the water and behind (Y/N).

"You'll never know who we ran into! Look, (Y/N)-chan! Tsukuyo-san was here too!" Otae says as she and Kagura entered the water, with their respective towels wrapped on their bodies. Tsukuyo soon followed suite.

"Oh! Ahahahahah! I didn't expect Tsukki to be here too!" (Y/N) nervously laughs when she felt Gintoki hugging her from behind again. "Huh? (Y/N)-nee, what are you doing all the way out there?" Kagura questioned noticing the (H/C) haired woman at the very back of the hot springs.

"O-Oh, The water is totally hotter here!" (Y/N) laughs before she turned to Gintoki. Gintoki raised his head from the water taking a deep breath. "What the hell, Gin!?" (Y/N) yells as Gintoki grabbed unto her for dear life.

"Please save me." Gintoki squeaked out in a small voice, she saw tears gathering in the corners of his eyes and she sighed. "Only because I love you. So you better not do something stupid like this again!" She hissed as she looked around.

Luckily, Otae, Kagura and Tsukuyo were discussing among themselves and were totally ignoring (Y/N). "Isn't there something you can go under? Check for a hole for something, the men's bath is right next door!" (Y/N) says as Gintoki nodded and dived under the waters.

"T-There's a hole right over there." Gintoki nervously pointed to where the girls had just moved towards. "Oh no...No, no, no." (Y/N) shook her head, when suddenly Tsukuyo called out to her. "(Y/N), Why don't you join us over here?" She yells causing (Y/N) to push Gintoki's head back down forcefully.

"You know what? I totally feel like practicing holding my breath!" (Y/N) says as she dives her head underwater to see Gintoki with his cheeks puffed up, he clawed at his throat, a signal that he wasn't able to gasp for air before she forced him underwater.

(Y/N) furrowed her eyebrows before Gintoki grabbed her neck and kissed her. He literally stole the breath left upon her lips. (Y/N)'s eyes widened when Gintoki pulled away and swam towards the hole he found underwater quickly.

She got up from the water and gasped for air. "That wasn't very long, (Y/N)-chan." Otae laughs.

On the other side of the barrier, in the men's bath. Gintoki rose up from the water, shocking Shinpachi, Hijikata and Okita. "Gin-san! There you were, you were holding your breath that long?" Shinpachi clapped his hands as Gintoki sighed.

He narrowly escaped death. "I'm tired....I wanna go back to the room." Gintoki walked away depressedly. "What's wrong, Boss?" Okita asked but he didn't reply.

Their first Trip to the Hot Springs was a huge mess, but Gintoki was happy. In one way or another, he got to spend some time with (Y/N).


This is Miharubleh's request. I don't know if this is any good, I'm sorry tho. I apologize, I swear to make up for the next Gin request! ♥️

Requests still open tho. ♥️♥️♥️♥️

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