Pushing yourself off of the couch, you moved toward the door, grabbing his keys from where they hung. You pulled on your jacket and your shoes, walking out of the house and closing the door behind you.

As you made your way over to the bike, you couldn't help but smile. Just the bike itself reminded you of Sweet Pea, and the fact that you were able to share this experience with him now that he was teaching you to ride made it that much better.

You enjoyed making your boyfriend proud. One of your favorite things was when you managed to impress him, and you wanted to practice driving the bike a bit while he was gone, wanting to him impress him the next time the two of you had a lesson.

You pushed the key in, turning it and grinning wider than before as you heard the bike's engine roar to life. You followed the steps that he instructed you to how to do, grinning as everything started to go according to plan.

You took off at a slow but decent speed, making your way down the street. Once you felt that you'd gone far enough away from Sweet Pea's trailer, you decided to make a U-turn and head back.

You slowed down a bit, preparing to make the turn, but as you were halfway through the turn, you felt the back tire begin to skid against the road, and it was then you remembered it had rained earlier that day. You must have hit a patch of water, the bike leaning uncomfortably to one side. Panicking, you turned the handlebars to try and right it, causing the bike to spin out completely.

The bike spun out of control, sending you flying off. You cried out as your body slid against the wet ground, scraping against the hard cement as the bike landed on its side a few feet from you.

Wincing as you begun to try and move, you felt a sharp, stinging pain in your side. In the process of you crashing, you'd brushed over the concrete just right, leaving you with a number of scrapes and likely soon-to-be bruises against your ribcage. It could have been a lot worse, but it seemed that you'd lucked out for the most part.

You pushed through it, though it wasn't easy, getting to your feet and moving to where the bike had crashed. Using most of your remaining strength, you guided the bike back into the upright position. Going through the motions to cut the engine, you decided instead to walk the bike the short distance back to the trailer.

You set the bike up back in its spot and headed back into Sweet Pea's trailer, finding the first aid kit that you'd used on him so many times to clean yourself up.


You were already cleaned up and fast asleep when Sweet Pea got home from the job, setting his keys down lightly and trying to wake you by being too loud.

He slipped his shoes off, along with his jacket. As he made his way toward the bedroom, he discarded clothes as he went.

Sweet Pea reached the bed and you stirred slightly, feeling the mattress shift beneath his weight as he crawled in next to you. "Sorry, princess, I didn't mean to wake you," he spoke, placing a soft kiss against your forehead.

You shook your head lightly, "It's okay, I don't mind. I'm glad you're home."

His hand moved over your side to wrap around your waist and bring you in closer, and despite your best efforts, you cried out in protest. The pain from your earlier accident was too much to be touched right now.

Sweet Pea jerked his hand back in response, startled, but also concerned. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he apologized, though he wasn't sure what had happened. "What is it? What's wrong?"

You bit down hard on your lip as you waited for the pain to subside, knowing that you were likely in for a lecture once you told him what you'd done. Instead, you lifted your shirt, showing him the damage done to your side, watching him wince sympathetically before his expression turned dark.

"What happened? Did someone do this to you? Talk to me," he replied, anger growing as he thought about just what he would do if anyone had hurt you.

"No, no... no one hurt me. Well, no one else," you started, glancing down toward the bed, averting your eyes from his intense gaze. "I took the bike down the street. I wanted to get a little practice in while you were gone, impress you with how well I did next time. I forgot it rained earlier and I hit a patch of water and spun out."

"I'm sorry, Pea, I'm so sorry. It was dark, so I don't know if there's damage to the bike, but it was stupid. I just wanted to impress you and make you proud," you explained, a frown on your lips as tears formed in the corners of your eyes.

Sweet Pea's eyes widened slightly, his brow arching as you told him what happened. "Are you okay? Did you get help from anyone? Topaz or anybody?" he asked you, sitting up a bit and beginning to check you for injuries anywhere else.

You shook your head. "I'm fine. I cleaned myself up with the first aid kit. If I feel any worse, I'll get checked out more, but I think I'm okay."

He nodded, letting out a soft sigh. "Babe, you never had to learn to ride the bike to impress me. I'm impressed by you every day," he spoke quietly, tucking your hair behind your ear as he looked down into your eyes, thumbs coming up to wipe at your tears.

"You're not mad?" you asked, brow furrowing in a bit of confusion. "Your bike, it's got to have some damage... I'll pay for it if it does, I promise."

Sweet Pea shook his head, "I'm not worried about the bike. If something's wrong with it, I can fix it. I do it all the time. I'm just glad that you're okay. The bike's replaceable, you're not."

You nodded quickly, leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. You didn't expect for him to be cruel to you, but you weren't expecting this reaction either. You'd at least been waiting for a lecture.

He returned your kiss, thumb brushing gently against your cheek. "I'll be honest, I'm not happy that you took the bike without me being here, but it's only because I want you to be safe," he spoke against your lips.

"I always feel safe with you," you replied easily, closing your eyes as your forehead rested against his.

"I know," he said quietly, "same for me with you."

You smiled, kissing him again before pulling back just enough to snuggle against his side, resting your head against his chest.

"Get some rest, princess. We'll figure everything out in the morning," Sweet Pea said, pressing a kiss to your forehead.

That was all it took and you drifted off to sleep, safe and secure in his arms.

Credits to: Clever As The Devil (rafaelswaithe.tumblr.com)

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