Background/quirk info

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(That's a pic of how I imagine her to look. I'm not that good at digital art but I did the best I could. Plus I made it on my phone so it's a little weird and different from my usual art style.)

Name: Y/n Ito

Age: 15

Quirk: Original quirks - Shadow manipulation and Light manipulation. They allow her to create and manipulate each element.

Looks: Hair is white. Her right side has a purple eye. Her purple eye is surrounded in knife wounds that are now scars. Her left side has a blue eye. Light brown skin. Short and petite but strong. About 5'3. (You can imagine her however you want, only the scars are important to the story)

Background: Left her home at the age of 10 wanting to leave her father. Her father followed her for a while until some pro heroes found her in a battle with her father. After that battle Y/n was adopted by Eraser head who had taken a liking to her. Some of the pro heroes such as All might, Midnight, Best jeanist, Kamui woods and Hawks wanted to teach her how to become a hero but she didn't want to. She would go on missions with them sometimes and was known as the hero helper, Nightmare. She doesn't talk much about her past and doesn't like thinking about it. 

Family:  2 older brothers. Their mom is dead and their father has custody over her siblings.

Father - Unknown , black hair and purple eyes. 

Shadow manipulation quirk: Can manipulate shadows.

Mother - Hina Ito, white hair and blue eyes. Has a darker complection so all her kids have light brown skin. Went crazy after she was kidnapped by the father, though she was never really sane to begin with. Hates her daughter a lot because she is what her kidnapper wanted.

Light manipulation quirk:  Can manipulate light.

Oldest son - Daichi Ito(Ichi), 19, white hair and purple eyes. 6'0, Strongest out of everyone, Buff body but not too dramatic. Cares for his siblings a lot. Super overprotective and childish.

Light manipulation quirk: Can manipulate light.

Second son - Eiji Ito, 18, Black hair and blue eyes. 6'2, Strong, Slim build. He took a turn for the worse.

Shadow manipulation quirk: Can manipulate shadows. 

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