"What do you mean he doesn't like her?" Taeyang asked. "He knows she's a Cha. He hates the Cha family for killing his wife and turning his own son against him" She said. "It's his fault for taunting the Cha's. Yes, I might hate the Cha's too, but Nabi has nothing to do with it" Taeyang said. "He wants you to marry someone. He needs you to marry someone so you can truly be the heir to his business. You can't do that without a wife. So he sent me" She said. "Why? Does he want me to marry you?" Taeyang asked. "Yes. That's why I am here" She said. "Look Semi, that's never going to happen. You ruined your chance by cheating on me. Now, I need you to leave. Nabi and I are quite happy we had some peace, I don't want to deal with you" Taeyang said.

I heard footsteps coming my way. I quickly rolled away, as if I was looking out the window. "You want me to go back to Seoul right now? It's almost dark Taeyang!" Semi said. "That's your problem" Taeyang answered. I felt someone grab my wheelchair. It was Taeyang. "Now, if you'll excuse us. We're going to eat" Taeyang said. "Taeyang, you can't let me go home right now. It's a 2-hour drive and it's dark. You can't do that to a girl" Semi whined. "Fine, then sleep in the guest room. Be gone when I wake up cause I will not hesitate to kick you out" Taeyang answered. "Where's she going to sleep then?" She asked. "In my room" Taeyang answered. My head turned around to look at him. "Uhm, what?" I asked. "Uhm, what indeed. She's not your girlfriend, I know that for sure. You might've kissed her in the hospital but seeing the way you both reacted she's not your girlfriend. Where will you sleep?" Semi asked. "In my room. I'll sleep on the couch if I have to. It's totally up to Nabi because she needs time to heal and get over the event that took place today. That's why I want you gone. We can't deal with more trauma right now. So disappear into the guest room and leave when we're not downstairs anymore" Taeyang said as he pushed me into the kitchen.

Semi didn't follow us, I think she actually listened to him. "Are you down for some noodles?" Taeyang asked me. "Yes," I just answered simply, not knowing if I should talk because of what just happened. "Nabi. It's okay. You can't help she's like that. You didn't do anything wrong" Taeyang said. He might say that, but why do I feel like I did something horribly wrong? His dad probably hates me to bits, his ex-girlfriend is here to say she wants to marry him even though she cheated on him.

Taeyang made us some noodles. "Where is Jaeyoon?" I asked. "Probably gone to Seoul again," Taeyang said. "Ah, could've known," I said. "You know, we didn't get off to a good start. Let's get to know each other" Taeyang suggested. "What do you want to know?" I asked. "Hmm, favorite color?" Taeyang asked. I laughed. "Really? Those kinds of questions? It's black, otherwise, I like red a lot" I said. "Mine is black too. Although red is a really beautiful color. What's your favorite flower?" He asked. "Roses" I answered. "I expected that answer, so is mine" Taeyang answered. As we were just eating and having a conversation with each other, asking each other dumb questions we got to know each other very well. He was such a lovely person. I really don't know what KAOI has against him. But I need the money, I need my sister back and I need to put Taeyang in jail for it.

"You know Nabi, I kinda like you. You're pretty funny" Taeyang smiled. Taeyang put his hand on mine but I immediately pulled my hand away. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were still touch-sensitive" Taeyang said. "It's okay," I said. "I'm going to take a shower. I will be right back okay?" He asked me. I just nodded.

He just left the room before I got a text from E.

This might help you figure out who the little girl is - E

It was a video. Was I finally about to find out who the little girl was? I played the video.

"You know, she has a lot of potential," Some man said. "You think so? I mean, she does seem fierce, but is she qualified to be my daughter?" Mr. Cha asked. "I think so. She will have to" The man said. Mr. Cha walked over to the little girl who was crying in the corner. He grabbed her face gently but looked at her with disgust. "You know little girl, you killed your dad," Cha said. The little girl shook her head wildly. "No! No, I didn't" The little girl said. "You did. You had a heart disease. To get better you needed an operation. While you were unconscious, you went to your dad and ripped his heart out to put it in your own chest so you could be healthy" Cha said. "NO! YOU'RE LYING!" The little girl screamed. She seemed to be around 4 years old at the time, but so smart already. "Mr. Lee... I need you to train her, will you be able to do that?" Cha asked. "Of course," The man said. "Good. She's going to be my little murder weapon" Cha smiled evilly. "What name did you give her?" Mr. Lee asked. "Nabi"

I turned the video off as soon as I could. My hands were shaking really badly. The little girl in all those videos.... was me? Mr. Cha isn't my real dad? Mr. Lee trained me? I was going to be a murder weapon? Did I kill my biological dad? If I was Mr. Cha's project, then why did he kick me out? I have so many questions.

Me: E... I have a lot of questions

E: I know you do, but I can't give you the answers yet. That might bring me and you and your sister in danger. I will try to help you as much as I can but knowing who I am... I can't do a whole lot without getting caught. Sit tight, I will do as much as I can.

I was frustrated and confused. I needed to find the answers myself. I can't depend on someone else. Taeyang walked back into the kitchen, only to find me in the exact same position. "Do you want to shower?" Taeyang asked me. I nodded. We looked at the stairs and then at my wheelchair. Taeyang didn't bother asking and picked me up, carrying me into his bathroom. Before disappearing into his room I caught a glimpse of Semi looking through the crack of the guest room door. "I'll be outside in the room if you need me," Taeyang said as he put me on a chair in the shower. I wanted to take my pants off but I couldn't move my hips up to be able to remove them. Right before Taeyang closed the door I called his name. "Yes?" He asked me. "I already need help," I said frustrated as if I was about to cry. Taeyang smiled and came toward me. I hesitated to let him help me. "It's okay. Take your time" Taeyang said as he knew what thoughts I had in my head. I trust Taeyang, he only helped me right now, he isn't like that man. I nodded at him. He took my pants off and I pulled my shirt off. I stopped him by helping to get my underwear off. "I don't want to shower anymore," I said really quick. "Are you sure?" Taeyang asked me. "Just give me a towel with water and I'll wash myself with the towel," I said.

Taeyang went to grab a towel and drenched it in water, then gave it to me. I washed myself and after he helped me into some joggers and shirt he had given to me. They looked a little big on me but it didn't matter. He picked me up and put me down on his bed, pulling the covers over me. "Goodnight Nabi," Taeyang said. Before he could walk away I grabbed his hand. "Taeyang,

will you stay with me?"

End of this chapter

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