Chapter 35

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Noah's POV

I was woken up really early at about 6 by Kai. He was squeezing me so tight, I couldn't breathe.
"Kai," I grunted. "I can't breathe." I don't think he heard me. I patted his back, then tried to push him away. He let go and I took a deep breath.
"I couldn't breathe, sorry. What's wrong?" I asked and looked up at him. He was crying. I cupped my hand over his cheek.
"Noah.. Please.. Please don't.." He mumbled, but didn't finish and hugged me again. I hugged him back. I have no clue what's going on.
"Is it about last night?"
"No.. I had a dream.. You killed yourself.. But.. It was different.."
"I won't Kai. I promise I won't." He kissed my cheek.
"Please don't.."
"I'm sorry.." We stayed in bed for ten more minutes before we got dressed and went to the park.
Kai invited Jacob and Kyle to come, but Kyle didn't. I noticed someone walking towards us, but I couldn't tell who.

Kai's POV

I was sitting on the swings with Noah and talking to Jacob when I noticed someone walking towards us.
I almost immediately realized it was Jay and stood up.
"What are you doing here??" I yelled. He smirked and stood in front of me.
"Just visiting some old friends." I pushed him away from me.
"Take Noah to your house," I whispered to Jacob. He told Noah to come with him. They left.
"Of course. All you care about is your smelly little boyfriend," he muttered.
"What are you doing here?"
"Nothing. Just visiting some old friends."
"Jay, get away from me."
"Umm.. Nah, it's nice here."
"Get your ass away from me before I punch you."
"You wouldn't punch your best fri-" He began to say, but I punched him.
"Shit.." He mumbled, holding his nose where I punched him.
"What do you want?"
"Well, I came for Noah, but you've left me no choice."
"What?" That's all I remember. I woke up in a dark room tied to a chair. The light turned on.
"So," Jay said. "You can be my new boyfriend."
"Ew." He scoffed.
"I should've just left you if you're gonna act like that." I tried moving my arms and legs, but they were tied.
"What would you like to do?" He asked.
"I want to get the hell outta here."
"Not an option." He starts moving towards me, coming in for a kiss. I didn't move and waited for him to get close, then I lunged forward and bit his shoulder.
"Ow!! What the fuck!?" He screamed and held his shoulder. He kicked my leg.
"Idiot," he muttered and left the room. When he came back, he was holding something.
"I didn't want it to have to come to this Kai, but you leave me no choice," he said just above a whisper and held the gun up to me.

Noah's POV

"We need to go to my house," Jacob whispered and took me to his car. I pulled my notebook and a pen from my pocket. Why are we leaving him?
"Jay likes you and Kai. I'm not sure why we have to go, but he told me to take you." I stayed at his house for half an hour, then I got a really bad feeling.
Can we please go back to check on him?
"Yeah, it's been awhile." He drove me to the park, but they weren't there. Kai's car was there. I heard a gunshot and panicked. I ran out the car and into the forest where I heard it.
There was a small shed surrounded by trees. A person walked out, then I quietly ran in and found a body on the floor. I turned the light on, but it was still kinda dark.
It was Kai. There was a puddle of blood around him coming from his chest.
"Kai!" I ran to him, then fell to my knees.
"What happened!?" I held his head. He looked up at me and smiled.
"He shot me.."
"Oh God," I whispered and set my hand on his chest.
"I.. I love you Baby.." I began to cry.
"I love you too.. Please don't die!"
"Don't plan on it.." He started to close his eyes.
"Kai, please keep your eyes open! Please!"
"I'm trying Baby.." I heard Jacob calling my name. I ran out the shed and threw rocks at him to get his attention, but they all missed. I wasn't gonna actually hit him unless it came down to it.. He ran to me.
"What happened?" We both ran inside the shed and he immediately called 911. He waited outside for the paramedics to come and I made sure Kai stayed awake.
"Keep your eyes open," I whispered. He blinked slowly and wiped a tear that fell from my face.
"Hey.. At my funeral.. I want you to sing for me.. And I don't want.. You to cry.. I want you to.. To move on and.. Um.. Be happy."
"No, don't say that. You're not gonna die.."
"Come here.." He whispered. I brought my head closer to his. He kissed me.
"It's.. It's gonna be fine."
"Hello!?" Someone called. I looked up. There were police and paramedics. They brought Kai to an ambulance and I went in with him.
When we got to the hospital, they tried talking to me.
"Do you know what happened?" I nodded my head.
"Can you tell us?" I pulled the notebook and a pencil out of my pocket. There's a guy named Jay. He's Kai's old friend, but something happened, so they aren't friends anymore. Jay went to the park where we were, but I was taken to someone else's house. When I came back, I saw someone leave a shed. I went inside and Kai was on the floor and he was shot.
"Why aren't you talking?" I'm mute.
"Oh. Okay. Do you know Jay's last name?" I shook my head.
"Could you describe him?" He has red hair and brown eyes. He's kinda tall.
"Okay." They let me go to the room Kai was in. I waited outside for a few minutes before the doctor came and said I could come in. He left.
I went inside, staring at Kai, and started crying. I ran to him and hugged him tightly.
"Be careful," he groaned. "I just got shot."
"It's okay Baby."
"Is the bullet out?"
"Yeah. They said that I can come home in a little while. The bullet didn't go too far."
"I love you."
"I love you too." The doctor walked in.
"So, you don't need any medicine, but there's some for if it starts hurting." He sets a small bottle of pills on the desk.
"You're able to go home now, but you might wanna call for a ride." Then, the doctor left.
"You have your phone?" I nodded my head.
"Can I use it?" I gave him my phone and he called Jacob.
"Hey, I need you to pick me up."
"You got a new phone number?"
"No, it's Noah's phone."
"Alright, I'm coming." He hung up, then we waited for about ten minutes. He drove us home, then went back to his house. On the drive home, he kept asking if Kai was okay.
We went to our room and laid on the bed.
"Can you sing?" He asked. I shook my head.
"Why not?"
"I don't sing good. Not nearly as good as you."
"Oh please. You can sing really good."
"Yes you do."
"Stop lying."
"I'm not, it's true. Sing a song and I'll judge it." I sighed, then started singing quietly.
"Louder. I can't hear you." I started singing a little louder. When I finished, he clapped his hands.
"That was good." I shook my head.
"No. Don't lie."
"It's okay."

Kai's POV

"Wait, wait, I need to go somewhere!"
"Can I come?"
"No, it's a secret."
"Okay." I put my shoes on and left (The car was towed back to the house) in my car.
It was around 7, so I still had enough time to make reservations at a local restaurant. I can't believe me and Noah have been dating for two years and never went on an actual date.
When I finished, I drove home.
"Noah!" I called from the bottom of the stairs and walked up. He ran to hug me.
"Where were you?" He asked.
"I needed to.. Put.. Gas in my car."
"Something about that makes me not want to believe you.." We went in the room and I picked out some clothes for him.
"What are you doing?"
"Put these on."
"I can't tell you. Just put them on." He frowns at me, then puts them on.
"So, where are we going?" He asks as we get in the car.
"Like I said Baby, I can't tell you. It's a secret."
"Fine." I covered his eyes with a mask. I drove to a fancy restaurant. We went inside, Noah still not knowing where we were, and sat at the reserved seats.
"Okay, you can take it off now." He took it off, then looked around.
"Wow," he mumbled. "What are we doing here??"
"It's for a date. We've dated 2 years and have never been on one, so.." He smiled.
"Thank you." A waiter walked up to us.
"Would you like anything?" After we ordered the food, we started talking.
Shortly after, the waiter brought our food. I paid for it. We finished eating.
"You want dessert?" He shook his head.
"I'm full," he mumbled. We stayed there for ten more minutes before we drove somewhere else.
It was dark outside now. I drove him to a pond. It had animals in it and a couple of birds nearby. It was beautiful.
We stayed there until 9, then went home. He fell asleep on the ride home, so I carried him inside.
When I took his shoes off on the bed, he woke up.
"Did you carry me?" He mumbled.
"What about your.. Chest? Didn't it hurt?"
"A little bit. It doesn't hurt too bad."
"Oh.. Are you going to sleep now? I am," he says and take his clothes off. (Every time I say either of them takes their clothes off, they are still wearing boxers. If I say they get naked, which they probably won't, then I'll say that)
"Yeah." I laid in bed next to him after taking my shoes and coat off.
"Can I see your chest where you got shot?"
"They bandaged it though," I said and lifted my shirt up to show him.
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"Uh, yeah. It doesn't really hurt."
"What's wrong?"
"I'm just worried," he mumbled and moves his head onto my arm.
"About what?"
"We've been together for two years. Count the times either of us have been in the hospital in that time." I chuckled quietly, then rubbed his cheek.
"Good night."
"Night," he mumbles, then I think he fell asleep. I fell asleep a little after him.
When I woke up, Noah was still asleep, so I grabbed a book off the nightstand and read it. I heard Noah grumbling and I put the book down.
"Hey, you awake Baby?"
"Mhmm.. Yeah.." He mumbled and dug his face in my chest.
"Love you," he whispered and hugged me.
"I love you too," I said and hugged him back. I kissed his cheek and it seemed to wake him up a bit more. He sat up, then laid on top of me.
"I'm sleeping on you," he says.
"Okay," I said and patted his back, then wrapped my arms around him.
With one arm, I got my book and continued reading. Noah flipped over to see what I reading.
"What's this?"
"A book."
"What book?"
"It's one my Mom gave me a few years ago."
"Oh," he says and turns back over. I felt something wet against my chin and put my book down.
"Did you lick me??"
"No, that was a kiss!" We both began to laugh.
"It felt like you licked me," I managed to say while laughing. After we stopped laughing, we changed into some clothes.
We went downstairs and were about to leave, but I needed to get my phone.
After I came back outside where Noah was, there was blood on the sidewalk and Noah wasn't there.
Instead, there was a black van driving away..

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