Chapter 15

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Kai's POV

These last few days of spring break, I've been having these terrible and vivid nightmares about Noah committing suicide in multiple ways. I haven't told anyone about them, but I woke up crying once.
He asked what was wrong and I said nothing, but I can tell he suspects something.
This morning, I woke up in tears again and Noah knew something was definitely wrong, so we're staying home from school today.
It's about 9 right now. Noah's making me food. I'm a bit worried about him making food because the last time he cooked, he burnt the food. The food was water. How do you burn water? I don't even want to know.
He came back to the room with what looked like waffles.
I didn't bother asking about it, but when I took a bite, I nearly threw up. I looked at him, trying to hold the food in my mouth. He laughed.
"It's okay. I didn't like it either," he says.
"I'll make something," I say.
I made eggs and sausage.
After we ate, we sat in bed.
"Kai, why were you crying?" He asks. I look away.
"No reason.." I mumble.
"Kai, you don't cry for no reason," he says, turning my head so I face him.
"What's wrong? Is it.. Because of me..?" He whispers and his eyes tear up.
"No Baby," I whisper back to him, rubbing his cheek.
"Kai, you woke up twice crying, I've seen you. You were crying in your sleep too.. I know something's wrong, but you have to tell me," he whispers.
He crawls over and sits on my lap, resting his head on my shoulder.
"I love you, but you need to tell me stuff.." He talks into my neck.
I look away, putting my arms around him.
"Kai, please promise that you'll tell me these things.." He says. I sigh, not responding.
"Fine," he mumbles, moving away from me. I look over at him. He's clearly upset with me.
"I'm sorry," I say, reaching for him. He pulls away. I stand up and walk towards him.
"Noah, sorry." He turns to me and gives me a big hug.
"Just tell me what's wrong, please Kai," he whispers.
"I.. Just had.. Bad dreams.."
"About what?"
"I dunno, just.. Stuff," I mumbled.
"Kai, I can tell you're lying. I promise, I won't tell anyone."
"I don't want you to worry though." He frowns, holding his knees to his chest.
"Don't you trust me??"
"Well Noah, of course I trust you. I just don't want to worry you." He frowns.
"If you do trust me, just tell me what's going on." His eyes tear up.
"Okay, fine.. I had nightmares about you committing suicide," I mumble. He crawls into my lap and hugs me tightly.
"Why didn't you just tell me??"
"I don't want you to worry about me."
"You're a baby," he mutters. I roll my eyes.
I put my arms around him. He mumbled something then left to use the bathroom.
I laid on the bed. Noah crawled on top of me.
"I love you," he says with a smile.
"I love you too," I say, hugging him.
The day went by pretty fast. It felt like just a few minutes later, it was night.
"Morning," I say, shaking him gently.
"Noah, we have school. Wake up." He opens his eyes halfway, then sits up.
"Okay," he mumbles, standing up and getting clothes.
After we got our clothes on, we drove to school.
"Class," Ms. Geraldine says. "We have a new student. Jordan, come in." He was a tall, skinny dude who looked like a gang member who's been to jail. He wore ripped jeans, a leather jacket, dress shoes, and sunglasses.
"Would anyone like to show him around?" I guess everyone else got the same "I don't really like this kid" vibe because nobody raised their hands.
"Well, Kai and Noah. Could you two?" I'm not sure how to say no in this situation, so me and Noah stood up and showed him around.
"The cafeteria's over there. That's the gym, and there's bathrooms all over the campus," I say. I'm bored out of my mind. Noah leans his head on my arm.
After showing him around, we walked back to class.
At lunch, he comes up to us.
"I got P.E. next. Where's the gym?" He says.
"Weren't you paying attention?"
"All I was paying attention to was those asses," he says with a smirk.
I already didn't like him, but I dislike him even more. I mean, if he says something like that, at least use the right grammar.
We make eye contact, then he looks down a little bit. I walk away with Noah.
I could hear his footsteps behind us, slowly speeding up.
"Where you guys going?" He says with his voice raised so we can hear him. We turn around.
"No, no. Keep walking. It was a nice view," he says.
"Okay, what do you want?" I ask.
He stops when he's two feet away from my face. He takes his glasses off.
"You," he says. Noah squeezes my hand tightly for a second. I rub his hand with my thumb.
Jordan reaches for my hand, but I pull away.
He walks toward me until he's a few inches from my face.
" You remember I have science with you? There's a group project. Three people," he says. I scoff, pushing him away. He raises his eyebrows.
"Playin' hard to get, eh?" He says. "Fuck me."
Me and Noah quickly walk away. He has to jog to catch up with us.
"Think about it?" He asks. I shake my head, still walking away. He begins to make moaning noises, gathering a lot of attention.
I groan, walking faster with Noah.
He stops following, so we went to a shaded tree.
"That guy gave me a headache," I mutter. Noah hugs me.
"It's okay," he whispers, kissing my cheek.
After school, we went for a drive. We drove pretty far. There was a big field filled with flowers.
"Ooh, look Kai!" He says, pointing to the field.
"Look at the flowers!" I smile, pulling over at a near store.
"Stay here," I say with a smile.
I bought him a bouquet of flowers. He looked so happy when I gave them to him
We start driving again.
"Thank you!" He squeals with a huge grin.
We drove for another half hour before we turned back to go home.
I pulled up into the driveway and saw an unfamiliar car parked by the sidewalk.
"Mom, we're back," I call out. We walk to my room. I heard a bark.
"Bailey!?" Bailey is my dog. I've had her since I was 5. Sometimes, my mom takes her to a trainer, which is where she's been all this time. The car parked out front is probably the trainer's car.
She jumps on me, licking my face. Noah freaks out, climbing on the bed. I had no idea he didn't like dogs.
"Noah, it's alright. She doesn't bite," I say, walking towards him. Bailey follows me. He gets off the bed, but still stays a safe distance from her.
"She's not gonna bite you." He holds his hand out and covers his face with his other hand. Bailey licks his hand, then jumps on him. He smiles, hugging her.
We sit on the bed with Bailey laying in our laps.
"She's so pretty," he says, resting his head on my shoulder. I put one hand on his thigh and lean over to kiss his cheek. He grabs my hand.
We went outside to swim a little while later. Bailey decided to join us.
After swimming, we dried off. Right when we finished, Bailey came and shook all the water out of her fur, so we had to dry ourselves off again.
We watched a movie, ate dinner, watched another movie, then went to bed.
"Night Baby," I whisper.
"Goodnight," he says as a big smile appears on his adorable face.

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