Side Story - 1) Leomord Van Algea

Start from the beginning

It is known that the first two generations of sword saint belonged to Amesteris. It was this very fact that was troubling Tigreal. Until now, all the undeads they killed were just normal citizens infected by the curse. If his thinking was right, it would be a very disasterous situation.

Indeed it was, as a young lady came soaring through the sky, with a bad news.

Fanny: "Brother, there is an emergency, we need you."

Tigreal: "What is it?"

Fanny: "Our offensive battalion is on the verge of being wiped out by some Horse riding guy."


'Where am I? What am I? Who am I?'

Many questions arised in my mind, but I had no answer for them. A dense fog surrounded me, due to which, I couldn't see anything.

"Is anyone here?" I asked. I waited for anwser, but no reply. Suddenly, I heard a sound.

'A neigh of a horse?'

I did't know why, but it felt familiar. I started to walk towards the source of the voice. As I walked, the fog started to get lighter. Soon I reached before the stallion.


My memories started to clear. Babriel was the last reminder of my family. I lost my family at age of 14, due to the war. The enemy troops sacked our village, killing everyone. My family was one of their victims. I would have been dead too, but ________ saved me.

'I still can't remember everything.'

"Babriel, can you help me?"

The stallion gave me a cold look, then started to walk towards a certain direction. Not having any other option, I followed. The fog had vanished, and I could see clearly now. I was currently in some old ruins of a city.

I could see the traces of old pathways, and some torn walls - none of the structures formed a building, nor a single house. The vine and bushes had grown too thick, something that probably took years or even decades.

Babriel suddenly stopped before a tombstone. I soon noticed we were present in a cemetery. There were more tombstone covered by thick foliage. Some were broken, some were swallowed by trees. I used my hand to brush away the leaves, revealing name and date of death.

"Year X468"

All of them died on the same year. Perhaps a war broke out, or a plague?

"Oh, is that?"

I quickly abandoned the grave, as the roses bloomed just close to the next clearing. The flowers were like the color of blood, vibrant and enchanting. This flower, it's known as Sanguine rose.
And with that, I remember her name.

'Queen Vexana.'

Yes, now I remember. She was the one who saved me, gave me hope. How could I forgot her. She was the most powerful, but most noble person I had met in my life. I could never repay her kindness. I still remember that day, it was on the same day when she saved me-

"Please allow me to be your knight!"

Vexana didn't speak a single word, instead she titled her head and furrowed her brows. She must be hesitant, after all I was just 14 years old.

"I promise I will serve you with all my heart."

The queen didn't utter a single word as she gazed at me. All of the other knights by her side looked at me, awaiting for my fate.

"Why? Why do you want to be a knight?"
The queen finally answered.

I was so nervous that I almost choked on my own words. But I didn't wanted to be just an another victim of war.

"I want to protect the innocent from those who harm them.
I want to protect, fight our enemies, and keep our people safe."
I proclaimed.

"Why seek me?" She asked.

"Because.... it's because your my queen.
You are the leader I want to follow, I trust you more than anyone, your highness."

Vexana closed her eyes and nodded. She approached before me with a soft smile on her face. Signalling me to stand up, she patted my head.

"Thank you for the you're kind words _______. If you wish to become a knight, you may train to be one, and I accept you among the ranks."

---wait, I  am still forgetting something.

"Well, these roses are quite rare. I should pick some for my queen."

Close to roses, another white stone caught my eyes. It was cleaner than other graves, newer and untainted. Somehow... I needed to see why.

The whole forest was quite except for my boots crush the fallen leaves. I leaned closer and touched the markings, almost invisible due to direct sunlight. It can't be. I spoke what the letters spelled:
"Leomord Van Algea"

I fell back, my chest constricting and breathing staggered.
Little by little, it all came back - the blood, the screams, the corruption of kingdom due to curse.

I couldn't protect the queen. She was corrupted due to the witch. I couldn't save her. I failed miserably. I killed myself, as I cannot go against my beloved queen.


Suddenly I opened my eyes. Was it a dream? My body, it feels different.

"Ah, Leomord you're awake."

I recognize that voice.

"Queen Vexana?" I said as I looked towards the source of the voice.

"Yes it's me."

No she wasn't her. All her beautiful and noble persona had faded away, she was just a monster.

"Leomord, I need you, please help me."

Even if she is not human, she is still my queen. I have already done that mistake once, but not again. This time, I will protect her with all my might.

"Don't request my queen, just order."

Whoever threatens the Necrokeep, I will wipe them out.

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