Who's at fault?

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Metalman felt himself gaining control of his movement, first the fingers and slowly making way to the arm. His legs started twitching, and he could hear his core going faster and faster. There was a voice speaking to him, echoing in and out. His eyes flickered open, and he saw he was surrounded by massive junk piles. Enker was kneeled by his side, the sunlight shining off his armor.

"Good, you're awake." He said.

"Enker? Where are we right now?" His voice was scratched and skipped a little. His voice box must have been damaged.

"The dumpster. I managed to find your body among the husks here." The more Metal kept moving, his joints were clicking back into place, his vision zooming out. Piles of old TVs, rusting parts, and husks of old robot bodies were littered around them. Abandoned parts of sniper joes and crushed pawns that followed him in battle with Megaman were crushed into squares.

"We lost, didn't we?"

"Your brothers are waiting further in the junkyard."

Enker didn't have to answer for Metal to understand Dr. Wily had lost, and that he was in prison. Without another word, the two robots walked through the maze of garbage. The first steps were wobbly, and Metal could feel some wires rubbing against his metallic skin. Enker did the best he could at repairs, but this wasn't Wily's castle, so the possibility of finding good material for repair was slim. But the uncomfortable scratching of his unstable innards wasn't the only thing on his mind.

A abandoned power station laid at the tallest hill, holes from where individual bricks couldn't hold on, a single window cracked and a roof that looked like several car doors were melded together. To the right was a radio tower that was bending slightly off, and a power box with a wire went through the window crack. Small talk and arguing barely passed through the iron door, and as Enker slid it open, the talking ceased.

"I found him." He spoke up.

Metal saw all of his brothers scattered in the closed space. Flashman was talking with a bulky red robot with a silver mohawk-like blade, his bald yellow head blown open with some tape over it. Crashman's left arm was severed off and leg was crushed, and Heatman was sitting close to him, hugging his only drill hand. Bubbleman had a noticeable scar in his back, the wires and circuitry still visible from the door. He leaned sadly against Woodman, whose body along with Airman were crushed and twisted. Quickman was the least damaged, just a missing foot and the long horns of his helmet snapped.

"Hey Metal. Glad to see you alive and kicking." Heatman gave a slight smile.

"If you can call this 'alive and kicking'." Flash murmured.

Metal kept looking at Woodman and Airman's crushed bodies. "Are they gone?"

"Calm down Metalman, their chips are right here. Completely unharmed." A tallish robot came from the room corner with a smirk. He looked similar to Quickman, but with a purple-white-gold color scheme and few design differences. Between his fingers were the I.C chips of the crushed brothers.

Metal closed his eyes in relief before settling down next to Crash. After sitting, he noticed a hole going completely through him, and pieces of welded pipes to Heat's box body. "Are you two okay?"

"I'm fine, but Crash took a pipe to the stomach. He can't stand up right now, at least until we get the parts."

Crashman refused to say anything more than a greeting, and then resumed to staring at the drill hand. Quickman went on a ramble on how the victory was his, while Bubble continued to stare at Wood's partially crushed body. The other two robots in the room, Punk and the purple one, Ballade, were addressing matters of the situation. A scrunched up piece of paper showed the headlines of Dr. Wily being taken into custody by Megaman.

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