Such a Devil

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Rock rolled Ice to the side as far as he could before turning his attention to the strange yellow blobs. Each jump came two more before the globs started to form together. Rock stared in shock and slight disgust as arms and legs formed on the massive blob. It stood up with the center of its head opening up to reveal a black hole with a red pupil.

"What is that?!" Rock exclaimed. Wily, in his capsule, hovered above the weird thing's head and laughed.

"This, my little blue fiend, is your doom! I'll admit, it's impressive that you managed to put a dent in my plans, but sadly your little heroism is going to have to end! And my yellow devil is happy to do the job!" The old doctor said.

"Hero? I'm just here to take my robot brothers back home, after you stole them and forced them to be evil!" Rock replied back, aiming his buster at the yellow devil while it only stared with its tiny red pupil.

"Brothers? I don't recall ever seeing you among them, but that doesn't matter. After I deal with you, I'll take back those robots and your parts back with me! My plan to take over the city will continue to happen, whether some random hero or Thomas like it or not!! Yellow devil, take care of him!!" The doctor's capsule closed and went to a higher distance. 

The thing called the yellow devil roared as it fired a projectile. Rock fired his blaster at its body but made no effect. The devil's body split into multiple pieces, and the same cycle of jumping and moving out of the way happened again. Rock concentrated on what to do, his blaster shots were being absorbed into it's body like jelly. How was he supposed to fight something who's body is almost thick liquid. He realized one part of the body wouldn't split apart, and possibly its weakness.

As the yellow devil formed and was ready to fire, Rock jumped and fired a couple shots into its eye. It was a success as it screamed closing its eye. 

"All ri-ACK!" Rock's momentary victory was cut short when the devil liquified its arm and slammed him against a building. The E-Tank helped him with energy, not with his wounds. Rock fell with a hard clunk before being whacked again by the blobs. "OOF!"

"All right yellow devil! Now, grab him and claim my victory!" Dr. Wily announced. Some humans were daring to look out the windows to see what was causing so much destruction. They were horrified to see a yellow blob straight out of a horror movie.

Rock struggled to get to his feet, but moved just fast enough to avoid getting stomped on. However, it's huge hand snatched the robot before staring into his blue eyes. Rock felt his core run cold by the monster staring at him and holding him several feet from the floor. Iceman continued to fidget and was slowly waking up. Rock tried to squirm free, but the yellow goo was too thick to even move.

"Finish it!" Dr. Wily smiled as the yellow continued to close its fist even tighter.

Rock screamed as warnings flashed in his eyes. He felt his arms being crushed, the feeling in his legs growing weak. His armor was denting worse and worse, he was sure his limbs would pop off. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning hit the yellow devil's eye directly. It screamed again and the arm holding Rock dissolved, dropping the poor boy to the ground.

"WHAT?!?" Dr. Wily gasped.

"What is..." Rock then saw the silhouette gently putting him back on his feet. The familiar yellow mask almost made Rock want to give a hug. "Elec?"

"Hey there Rock. You don't mind if I drop in, do you?" The electric brother smiled before glaring at the monstrous yellow devil.

"No, I don't. Iceman, is he okay?" Elecman nodded at the question while putting Rock back on his feet.

"Ice is on the other side, see?" They both looked over to see a conscious, but dizzy Iceman slowly waving to us.

"How damaged are you Rock?" Elec asked.

"I...still have some power left. But with the yellow devil right there, I need the help." Rock activated the electric ability he got from Elecman's fight.

"I only have enough energy to do one more thunder beam, so we need to make this quick. Can you do that?"

Rock managed to put on a smile as the yellow devil was recovering quickly. "I managed to get this far getting you guys, right? We can finish this once and for all!!"

"This is impossible!! How did you-! Elecman, why are you-!! Yellow devil, quite whining and finish them!" Wily was fuming in frustration.

The yellow devil growled before splitting again, the blobs flying in all directions towards them. Elecman followed close behind Rock and jumped over most of the blobs. Unknown to everyone, Ice was slowly control of most of his functions as well as his memories. He looked at Wily and felt a tinge of disgust for making him attack Rock, the brother of Roll, the first people to help him, and his siblings.

"Come on soldier, get up and help." He said to himself as he slowly gained his footing.

As the blobs reformed into the yellow devil, the creature was shocked to see Rock and Elecman disappeared. Behind it's back Rock climbed up the slime, much to Wily's horror. "He's on your back!! Turn around you blob of slime, turn around!!!"

"Hey, yellow devil..." It turned and stared at Elecman on its feet. Elec's eyes flashed a bright blue before giving a dangerous grin. "This surprise is sure to shock you!"

In it's eyesight, Rock's face popped in front of it ready to blast electricity. Both of them fired lightning into its eye, it's "brain" shattering into pieces upon the impact. Without its brain, Rock fell several feet in Elec's grip while being covered in yellow slime. 

"No!! Impossible!" Dr. Wily yelled. However, he had no time to argue as he realized the situation was in. Rock was aiming his blaster for him, Elec's glare was almost alerting certain death, and Ice was limping their way. "Y-You ruined my whole plan."

"He simply took back what wasn't yours to begin with. Now," Elec growled, "Get out of here."

"You can't hurt me. F-First law of Robotics is-" Dr. Wily was rudely interrupted by Iceman, who put so much ice on his capsule, it was weighing him down.

"We can't hurt a h-human. But we can st-still kick you out, r-right Rock s-sir?" Ice stuttered.

"Yep!" Then, lifting the capsule, Rock threw Dr. Wily several feet into the sky. The capsule soon looked like a star as Dr. Wily's yells became distant. "He's gone. We won guys, we won."

Windows and doors of people started coming out, shocked that the threat has been seemingly disappeared. They looked at Rock in his blue armor, and the little hero knew they were wondering how he did it. He looked back at Elecman, who was giving reassurance to Iceman while holding him like a little child. 

One by one, the humans started to cheer for the blue hero. Some people were giving him hugs and tried to pick him up, only to learn the hard way he's a robot. Others took pictures of the little guy and before Rock knew it, he was being swarmed by people and children. Elecman only barely managed to pick him up and putting him on the shoulder.

"We should get going, Dr. Light needs to the one to handle it." The electric robot master said.

"Yeah, I want to go home."

"W-Will miss Roll forgive m-me for wh-what I've done?" Ice looked sad, thinking about he almost did before. Rock rubbed his back affectionately.

"Of course Ice! We would all forgive you. Let's go home, okay? We can have celebratory ice cream!"

"Ice cream!" Ice smiled.

And with smiles of the crisis being over, the three robots teleported out of the city back to the lab, much to the disappointment of the crowd wanting more photos of the blue bomber.

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