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Roll had packed up the last of her things as the clouds rolled in. The Wi-lights had given their goodbyes and left before anyone asked where they were going. Every morning for two weeks they had disappeared for a majority of the day, and would only return late at night. Magnet would say they were helping out someone in need. Dr. Light would smile knowing his creations were helping people and were being given a chance. However, Roll did admit it felt weird not having them around.

As the clouds towered overhead and the first droplets tapped the windows, Roll grabbed her green coat and umbrella. She waved to any little kids and joggers passing her direction as she weaved through the path. Little robot drones flew quietly with umbrellas among the rain and Roll splashed playfully through the puddles. Trees had begun to show yellow and orange hues as the first days of fall arrived. She couldn't believe how the entire summer passed so quickly, and how so much had happened in five months.

As she walked the path to downtown, she heard a whisper from a unfamiliar voice and turned around only to see no one. She shrugged and walked alone for a few minutes before hearing the whisper again, now accompanied by another unfamiliar voice. Roll grew uneasy and whipped around violently to meet the startled figures. One was of average height with patches of blue and gold armor, which complimented his pale yellow hair dripping with rain. The other one was taller and had purple armor and a strange yellow "v" extending off the sides of his head. The purple robot smiled curiously with a wave.

"Hello there. Do you two need something?" Roll asked. The two robots blinked out of their trance before the purple one stepped forward.

"Hi! Sorry, we are just a little lost and wanted to some directions. But my buddy is really bad at asking for help." He said.

"That is the exact opposite of what happened Ballade. You're the one whose bad at directions."  The yellow haired robot gave a side squint. The purple robot Ballade laughed in embarressment and Roll approached the two with her umbrella. Standing up to the tips of her boots, she raised the umbrella past the shorter robot's head and almost colliding in an attempt to shield both of them from the increasing downpour. The robot slowly gripped the umbrella and lifted it high enough, and Roll smiled warmly. "Why did you do that?"

"I couldn't let you stand there and get drenched. Do you not have umbrellas or something to protect you?" Roll asked.

"I'm afraid we don't have a lot of supplies back at our place. Our creator is so busy that we often take care of ourselves. My name is Enker and you already know Ballade." Enker replied, and Ballade waved upon his name called. Roll blinked for a moment before gasping loudly. She smiled and hugged Enker tightly, much to the latter's confusion and discomfort.

"You're Enker?! Rock told me all about how you two met in the soccer field months ago. How have you been?"

"I-I-I'm okay. Let go please." Enker managed to get out of the hug and clutched the umbrella tightly. The three robots started to walk together through the streets of Monsteropolis, the mist offering a faint flow to car and street lights. Ballade had a look of wonder as he watched dozens of humans enter and exit stores, and it was something Roll found to be both adorable and strangely saddening.

"Have you never be to the city?" She asked.

"I have on a few occasions. But Ballade was created under bad circumstances, so this is his first time truly out on the city. We recently moved far away, and so it's hard to come here." Enker spoke softly.

"I see. Are you sad that you have to live so far away? Rock and I live with our dad and siblings closer to the forest, so it's a trip to come down here too."

"I wouldn't say it annoys me to live so far away from all the noise. I don't get along with people well, so the silence helps. On the other hand, I have over a dozen brothers to constantly get me into trouble." Enker muttered. To his surprise, Roll giggled at the statement.

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