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The first thing Rock did when the three managed to get to the lab was collapse on the couch. Ice almost had a core attack upon Rock's sudden collapse, but Elec calmed him before shutting down again to be fully fixed. Roll gave Ice a huge hug upon leaning on the table, whispering reassurance. Soon, the little ice robot followed to be fixed as well. The news started to come ono about the apparent defeat, but Rock's energy was almost entirely depleted. He closed his eyes to prepare to shutdown, only to feel something like a blanket wrapping around him and Dr. Light quietly speaking.

"You did good Rock."


Rock didn't know how long he was out, but he knew he was still on the couch as he opened his eyes. Bright green and blue eyes were staring at him back, smiling as he bolted up. "Woah okay! Hi Cutman, Iceman."

"Hey Rock! 'Ice' to meet you, being all good again and not evil!" Cut smiled, but Ice gave a annoyed look.

"I swear, I don't think I can stand being around you bro. Your puns are just so..."

"Cool, right?" Cut gave a smug look. Rock chuckled by the look little Ice was giving. He was ready to strangle his brother.


"How are you guys feeling?" Rock slowly got up from the couch, with Cutman providing support on his side. With every small step, Rock was getting up on his feet and started to walk normally again. He realized that his energy was at full health and all of his cuts were gone. Dr. Light and Roll must've fixed him while he was asleep. 

"We're alright, but miss Roll and Dr. Light are with our brothers in the lab." Ice blurted out and they walked down to the lab. As they came into the lab, Rock was greeted by his sister bear hugging him. He gave a smile as he returned the hug, as well as looking at all of his repaired brothers. Elecman was just unplugging himself from the table, Guts and Bomb were smiling while chatting and patting each other's backs, and Fireman was drinking a heated E-Tank.

Dr. Light came up to Rock to give him a hug, but this one lasted longer than the others. Rock didn't think to much of it and waited for his father to let go. "I did it, dad."

"I know. But promise me that you'll never do that again, okay?" Dr. Light whispered.

"Promise. But, what happened to Dr. Wily?" Rock was wondering what happened to the mad doctor that disappeared.

"Old man up and fled the city in shame, little blue! Good riddance, I say. The whole 'messing with my brain to make us evil' scheme really messed me up. Can't believe we almost got you." Bomb spoke up, messing with his red mohawk in shame.

"My justice has been messed with and misused by such a foul human. Never again will I attack innocents, let alone my own family!" Fire declared and set his own head on fire. Dr. Light managed to calm him with a shoulder pat.

"It's alright Fireman, I'm sorry everyone that this had to happen. I..." Iceman interrupted Dr. Light by hugging him, almost to tell him that they forgive them and to not worry about it. Cutman gave Rock a shoulder hug while smiling.

"Ice, you're not showing any temperature imbalance anymore." Rock blurted out.

"Yes it doesn't affect me anymore, Rock sir. Perhaps it got fixed when you shocked me back in our battle. It has been working just fine afterward." Ice said proudly.

"So in other words, he gave you quite a 'shocking' therapy?" Cut smirked, the other robots either groaning, tilting their heads confused, or smirking at the joke. Elecman acted fast and held little Ice like a toddler, preventing any further action to strangle Cutman.

Megaman: RebootWhere stories live. Discover now