Preparing to leave

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Why do you insist on getting in the way?! Don't you realize that these humans don't matter?!

Humans are weak and disposable, and so are the incomplete machines made by their hands! Once they are gone can this planet truly belong to us!

The words of the supercomputer wrung in his processor as he slept, but Rock was startled out of his sleep by the hand of his sister. Roll eyes were bright and full of joy, unlike the barely flickering lights he had to watch from Ra Moon's attack on the world. Smiling, he reached up and delivered her a tight hug. The two laughed softly as the clambering of footsteps and objects came from the door. Roll pulled up Rock's suitcase and start folding his clothes.

"Are you ready to head back home Rock?" Roll asked.

"Yeah, but why are we leaving so early? Half of our equipment is still in bad condition from Ra Moon's attack. Shouldn't we wait until everything is back together?" He yawned and hopped off the bed.

"Doctor Light says it's better if we leave as soon as we can. Mr. Astil and Plantman have enough fuel in the plane for us to head home. Dr. Light wants to add the coating to everyone else back home so we can help people again." She smiled. "And I think he wants to repair the Wi-lights soon."

"I guess you're right." Rock said. As they walked down the stairs, they noticed Plantman carrying two of the disabled Wi-light robots. The robots were lined up nicely in the back of the car, with Hardman laid out like a cushion for the others. The armor that had covered his entire body had been removed due to Ballade's bombs blowing most of it up, exposing parts of his inner circuitry and body parts. Topman's neck and arm had mostly withered away by acidic chemicals, chemicals that Rock associated with Bubbleman' s weapon ability. Only a few wires and synthetic skin kept Top's head from rolling to the side. Snakeman's body had met the unfortunate fate of acidic bubbles snapping most of his helmet tail off, as well as his lower jaw smashed in from a powerful uppercut. As Plant laid Magnet and Gemini down, Rock quickly realized they had the least damage compared to the rest. The only damage on Magnet was a smashed helmet, and Gemini suffering a blow to the chest but luckily not near his I.C chip.

"Sparkman's body was too smashed to recover. But I did manage to retrieve his chip." Plantman gestured the light orange chip gently carried in his vines.

"Thank you so much Plantman. Thank you both for helping me retrieve them." Dr. Light smiled.

"I've administered the coating to your plane, so you should have no trouble getting back home. The rest of the samples are with your luggage." Pedro Astil said. Roll had entered the back seat, the box of special coating held gently in her arms.

"I'll make sure the samples are sent to the rest of the city. What will you do now?" Dr. Light asked.

"I am going to make some calls to the United Nations. I hope to convince them to restart mass producing the coating so all the robots around the world will be safe from something like this happening again. I've had enough nightmares returning from the grave for a lifetime. Maybe now that that monster is gone, the research team can finally figure out where it came from." Astil sighed in relief.

"Are you going back there? After you told us your story?" Rock asked.

"No, I don't think I have the strength to ever go back to that temple. But maybe I can find closure knowing the nightmare is over. Thank you Megaman." He smiled.

Rock loaded in the last suitcase as everyone said their goodbyes. Doctor Wily, still in his torn lab coat, had avoided the two and slumped in the passenger seat. He made eye contact, but Rock couldn't look him in the eyes. The thoughts of the doctor's robots out there once again, after he thought they were gone for so long, made his circuits crawl. The fact the built a robot from alien technology without his dad's knowledge, and it almost killed him if it weren't for the others left a sour taste. He wanted to shout at the doctor for so many things, the endangerment of his family, lying to him, Roll nearly dying.

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