Temple Battle pt. 1

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Metalman felt his side slam against the tail of his brainwashed opponent. The green one, which he assumed was Snakeman from Megaman's information, retreated into the trees when he fired. He attempted to throw his metal blades toward Topman, but the robot spun so fast the blades were bouncing off his body. He didn't know how it was possible. Deep inside, he felt embarrassed that his ceratanium blades couldn't hit a spinning robot.

Meanwhile Bubbleman was having difficulty being a part of the battle. He had littered the entire area with acidic bubbles to ward them off, but it had failed to scare Snakeman, who was now hiding above him. In a swift motion, Bubble felt his head lifted off the ground and a sadistic smile grinning.

Metal heard his brother scream and desperately ran to the trees engulfing Bubble's body. He grabbed the legs and yanked hard, but Snakeman thrashed Bubble's torso like a dog. Finally, Bubble fell and hit the ground hard, his non weaponized arm torn off by the elbow. Snakeman snickered and retreated back into the trees.

"You're playing with us, aren't you?! Who do you think you are!?" Metal demanded.

"Metal, I'll be fine." Bubble said. Metal refused and chucked blades at every tree. Branches fell and the leaves were scattering as Snakeman leapt away. He sighed as the forest was silent, but realized the other opponent behind him.

He swung a left hook but Top caught it. The orange robot had him pinned to the ground and started to stomp on his head. By the fifth time, Metal started to hear ringing. He was sure Snakeman had joined in as he felt a separate pair of hands pulling his joints off. He heard Bubble screaming his name, and the world was blurring. A dull pain was near his left shoulder, then more ringing from another stomp. His mask flew off. The world had turned black.

Then it stopped. The weight was lifted off. The pain was still there but his head was clearing, the smell of his oil dripping on the ground. He reached for the oil and checked his systems. Nothing was ruptured aside from armor damage. This oil was not his. His core dropped.

"Bubbleman-! As he whipped around, an unexpected sight was found. Topman laid on the ground surrounded by oil. Acidic bubbles were dripping from his neck and arm, and his eyes were wide open. Bubbleman was not far away on the back of a furious Snakeman.

"Get away from him!" He screamed. Snake screamed as the acidic bubble lead grazed his arms. The tail of his helmet reached for the small brother, to no avail Bubble swerved back and forth, gripping the tip of the tail. Firing his weapon from his hands, the metallic tail quickly withered way until it was nothing but wires and circuits. Snake finally yanked Bubble off, and Metal covered the distance to smash the bottom of his head. After wobbling for a few steps, Snake finally collapsed on the ground and the acidic bubbles dissipated.

"Are you okay?" Metal asked.

"I should ask you that! You stopped moving, but they wouldn't stop hurting you! Why didn't you run like I told you to?! You just blindly threw your blades everywhere, but it wasn't doing anything and they were playing with me. Now we're both injured, far away from our brothers, and no way to get to them." Bubble huffed, kicking the dirt with his flipper feet.

"I can still carry you."

"No you can't. The snake guy ripped a chunk of your shoulder. I can see the oil dripping off." Bubble countered.

"I..." Metal fell silent, looking back to the unmoving bodies of the robot masters.

"I was created to be a weapon of Doctor Wily, and yet I'm still coddled like a baby by my own brothers. And yet I'm the one who saved your butt. You're welcome." Bubble grumbled. Metal looked at his brother's injuries, then his own before clicking his receptor to patch a link.

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