Bubbly woods

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On the other side of the forest, Woodman sat on a stump with his brother Bubbleman swimming by the nearby lake. A few summer birds were sitting peacefully on his shoulders, and no noise from the city other a few of his minions walking at the perimeter. Bubble's little snorkel mask popped out of the water.

"Hey Wood, you think we even have a chance to beat him?" The little amphibious robot asked.

"What do you mean?" Wood's soft but deep voice woke up the little birds and flew off.

"He's already defeated Metalman and Flashman, and they're two of our stronger fighters. I just think I'm not...you know..."

"Bubble, I know you're scared but I believe we can stop him." Wood had a reassuring smile, Bubble rolled his eyes before emerging from the lake.

"Yeah, but what can I help with? I'm a robot that can't walk more than five feet and produces bubbles for weapons. Bubbles. Oh yeah, I'm so frightening to humans. Betcha five bucks I go down before you." Bubble kicked the water with his flippers.

"Now, don't say that..."

"You know it's true! You should hear some of the stuff the others called me back at the castle. I've heard 'snorkel geek' and 'frog foot' more times than my processor can count. Crashman even told I was fragile like a bubble too..."

"Oh come on, that happened while Crash was having an episode. That shouldn't count to you. Anyways, you know they don't mean it brother." Wood insisted, as he heard the sounds of metal being torn apart. Their enemy was approaching, and while he wanted to comfort Bubble, it wasn't the time to be sad.

"Doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. I just want to prove to them, and Dr. Wily, that I'm not useless. But I guess that will never come." Bubble was just about to sink back into the water before Wood gently patted his shoulder.

"Bubble, don't let your feelings get you down. I know that you get hurt easily, but you bounce back like all of us. But if it makes you feel better, once all of this is over, I'll make sure to ask Wily to give all of the water territory to you." Bubbleman didn't say anything but he glanced at his brother.

"I don't know..."

"Plus allowing you to walk on land."

Bubble turned around with eyes full of hope. "You'll do that?"

"Of course."

"Okay! I can do it! I'll take down Megaman and show everyone how strong I really am." He hopped into the lake and disappeared under its depths, all while a bright colored dove watched Woodman get into position. 

"I'm sure you will."


Megaman managed to trek through the harsher enemies with ease. Getting to his enemies was becoming easier with every boss he battled. He didn't even get anything worse than a couple of scrapes. Readying his blaster, he came to the center of the park with a lake not far away. And there was Woodman standing before him, little birds flying all around him.

"I'm impressed you managed to make it this far." Woodman didn't look at him.

"Your brothers did make a bit of a first impression." That was the best Megaman could say, and he mentally slapped himself for that. He couldn't sound sincere if he tried, for all he knew, all of them are just as angry at him.

"Allow me to ask, did they suffer?"

Megaman's core stopped for a moment before he gritted his teeth. "N-No! Why would I want to make you suffer, or your brothers?!"

"Well, at least that's a thought I won't have on my mind. Now we can fight."

"So you're not going to take surrendering as a consideration?"

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