The Reign of the Moon

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Rock felt heavy and light at the same time. He couldn't move or see anything in the darkness. But he could hear his father's voice come in and out several times. The beeps and pulses of his core felt faint, but still existing. He couldn't be dead, otherwise he wouldn't be having these thoughts.

He tried to keep himself together and remember what had happened. He could recall he was running out of the forest towards Roll to warn her. To warn her of what he couldn't even remember. There was a pain like fire creeping through his back, eating away at his wires like acid. He didn't even see the attack, like he was stabbed through the shadows.


All the memories returned and Rock pieced everything together. He was on a trek with his half brothers Snake and Top to find Shadow's location. Something was going on at the ancient temple and Snake warned him to run. And Shadow was trying to stop him. To hurt him. And he did so by stabbing him in the back.

The voices were becoming understandable. Rock felt the twitching in his fingers and feet as he was booting up. His core started to beep quickly as he regained consciousness. His mind was whirling with questions.

Why did Shadow attack him? Where was Snake and Top while he was running for what he thought was his life? What happened to his family?

He hoped they weren't in danger.

"Olá Megaman, can you hear me?"

Rock groaned and his eyes flickered open. As his vision adjusted, he felt the tight grip of a robot's hands. "Roll, is that you?" He bent forward and felt a fiery pain from his spine. He screamed and whipped back, clutching his head tightly. The hands reached for him again and he realized that the person comforting him was Plantman. Plant held his head gently with a sad smile and lifted him slowly.

"Breathe Megaman. It's to help your circuits calm down from the additional coating." He said.

Plant put his hand behind Rock and reeled him close. The pain throbbed in his circuits, but slowly died away as he adjusted his senses. The surrounding area was littered with vines and exotic plants. The spiked stems of rose bushes lined the interior walls, and huge pink flowers sprouted from the corners of the doors. Among all the plants and shrubbery were small plates, bowls, a large cooler, and packaged goods. Rock realized they weren't in a lab at all, but a plant filled kitchen.

"Easy, easy. That blade and EMP did a lot to your systems, and the new coating is probably making you feel dizzy. The doctors left me to take care of you while they contact the outside. Do you feel sick or anything weird?"

"Plantman, what is going on? Where is my dad, and my half-brothers, and Roll? What happened to them?" Rock rambled off the questions and Plant set him down. After a few staggering steps, he walked easily past the door.

"It all happened so fast," Plant sighed as they walked around what was the greenhouse. Where there was once windows to let the sun shine was now buried in twisted vines, casting the sunroom in a dark embrace. "You got attacked from behind and all of your brothers...they were taken. And they were going to take you away as well."

"Shadow did it, didn't he?" Rock sadly spoke.


"I gave him that name while we talked at the temples he resided in, before I got a message from Snake telling me to run. I didn't know what was going on, but the last thing I heard was a dark voice saying something is beginning."

"Wait a minute, you went to a temple and heard a voice? Did this temple have a eye symbol in the front?" Plant asked. Rock, not catching the question, mindlessly nodded. When he looked up, Plant's eyes were filled with concern, shock, and mostly fear. He twisted his vines around his waist and gestured Rock forward. "Astil and Dr. Light are taking care of Roll in the other room. You should go outside to meet them."

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