Troubled family

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"Are you nearly done yet?" Enker sighed while watching Dr. Wily working on his latest robot. Or maybe robots. He really didn't know at this point, it seemed Dr. Wily had worked on them for weeks. Every now and then, the doctor would take a break and assist in keeping the castle in check, but the two never really talked. Unless it was about getting parts for the other robots.

When Enker first arrived back to the castle, he didn't expect his creator to be on the table again working out plans for more robots. He scared him pretty bad when he came up from behind, but he got a shoulder pat and a semi-warm welcome afterwards. Which was fine, he thought after the initial shock. But everything onwards was pretty boring, and Enker was growing sick of it.

"Patience Enker! He is almost done." Dr. Wily responded, putting his tools down. As he wiped his hands, the robot leaned in to take a good look. The robot was a bright red with what appeared to be a golden "V" sticking out of his helmet and on the chest. 

"What is this? Who is this?" Enker quietly asked. Wily seemed to be glowing, his grin growing wider.

"Meet Quickman, DWN-012."

"And how many does that make now?"

"4. Just four more to go and the next phase in my plan will move forward." After hearing that sentence, Enker made a tiny sign of annoyance, which unfortunately caught Dr. Wily's attention. "Some you want to share Enker?"

"Doctor, you've been working on robots for several weeks nonstop. You look awful and you have oil all over you. Take a break." He almost raised his voice a bit to get Wily to even look at him.

"Soon, I have to get this-"

"If you don't take a break, I am going to smash your work table into pieces." Enker interrupted.

"You wouldn't, don't you think about it Enker!"

"Then, for the sake of both of us, take. A. Break!"

"FINE, fine! I'll do it, you happy now?!" Wily threw his hands into the air, the tools put down on the table. Feeling victorious, Enker snooped at the blueprints of the robots soon to be constructed next. As he looked through, he put away the ones that were already built. Metalman, Bubbleman, Airman, and Quickman. But the others schematics, Enker almost did a double take.

"Doctor Wily?"

"What is it now? I told you I'm resting!" Wily groaned on the chair. He leaned back as Enker showed the prints.

"What is up with some of your plans for these robots?" 

"What are you talking about?" Enker proceeded to scoot the motionless robot to sit down.

"Let's see; DWN-013 Crashman. The plans are a combination of two robots, one for durability and strength, and one for destructive capability. But I noticed one particular flaw, his arms. Where are his hands? Why are they replaced with drills?"

Wily sighed before making irritated hand motions. "It's where his weapons are to be stored. His weapon is going to be a bomb that latches to any surface upon contact and blow up. They need to be somewhere where he can launch them easily."

"Alright, but what if he's NOT using bombs? Are you not going to give actual forelimbs? Otherwise, how do you expect him to lift things with great strength? Or even function at all? That's another thing, Bubbleman earlier seems to have a similar problem. You have permanently attached flippers on his feet. How do you expect him to walk on land?"

"He's not...don't you go judging how I m-" But Enker continued to list his opinions on the robots, not paying attention to Wily's growing irritation.

Megaman: RebootWhere stories live. Discover now