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"I still think I should be out there with the reporters." Wily said. The two doctors stood at the front door as the crowd gathered outside the window. Roll gave a thumbs up after finishing Dr. Light's tie, and hesitantly stared at Wily before disappearing into the kitchen.

"We've been over this Albert. We want to calm the public down from what has happened, and they'll want answers. It's better if I tell the story without the whole 'alien robot temple' bit. And it's better if they don't know the existence of our robots yet, as we haven't done the proper procedures to see if they're truly okay."

"I told you they're okay! I looked over their procedures myself while you were busy tending to your golden children! I should at least get a say in it, since I helped save the world!" Wily grumbled.

"It's a no Albert. Let me calm the public, and then we'll talk about your involvement." Light finished before opening the door. Groups of humans and robots filled the front yard, flashing lights blinding both of them. Human reporters were asking questions so fast, neither doctor caught the full sentences. The robot reporters moved to the back to avoid hurting the other reporters. As Doctor Wily moved to the side, Doctor raised his hand for the yelling crowd to quieten.

"Doctor Light, do you have any theories on what could've possibly happened to cause the global blackout?" The first reporter asked.

"I have many theories over what happened, but it seems like the most logical explanation is that it was a powerful electromagnetic pulse." Dr. Light answered truthfully, and another reporter squirmed to the front with a camera.

"What could've possibly produced an EMP that powerful? Are you suggesting it could be natural?" They asked.

"I highly doubt that it's natural. A natural EMP wouldn't just wipe all world tech out at once."

"Doctor Light, are you aware about the lives that have been hurt by the resulting explosions of your robot models? Many of the robots that were made in your name and distributed around the world were partly responsible for some fatalities. Do you have any comments to say to them?" A reporter shouted in the back.

Dr. Light hesitated before continuing. Wily raised a brow and moved for the cameras to get a shot of him. "I am truly sorry for everyone out there recovering from the blackout, and I offer my deepest condolences. No one should have to suffer like this. Rest assured, I will make sure to offer any help to those in need in any way I can."

"Do you intend to make new robot masters to replace the ones that have been affected?" The reporter interrupted.

"I..." Dr. Light had faltered at the sentence. The halt gave the crowd fuel to continue and inched closer to the doctors.

"Are you going to continue with your old models despite previous evidence of corruption to their programming?" They persisted.

"Dr. Light, there have been rumors that you and Dr. Wily have been working on new projects together. Is there any truth to these rumors?" The first reporter moved to the mic too close to Dr. Light's face.

"Do you expect the public to feel safe with the current situations?!"

"Is Doctor Wily reformed or was he part of this?"

"What are your plans to help this?!"

Dr. Light fell to silence as the crowd of reporters grew wilder and throwing questions at a rapid pace. His eyes could only watch the crowd and admit he was losing control of the situation. Dr. Wily finally pushed himself in front of Doctor Light and waved his hands maniacally, which thankfully grabbed the crowd's attention.

"Listen, Thomas and I have suffered from this as much as all of you. We are working our hardest to make this right, so stop bothering us so we can get back to work. Thank you kindly for the questions. Good day." Without another word, Wily pushed Light through the door and locked it. The news reporters knocked on the door relentlessly, and Wily walked through the kitchen to the lab. Once they were out of earshot did Wily pull at his hair.

Megaman: RebootTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon