The Great Unveiling

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Rock watched the crowds from his car seat, the little kids holding their parent's hand with glee. Barricades lined the front of the stage with reporters and cameramen ready for the event to start, small serving robots handed adults complimentary drinks, and the children were given small signed flags and plushies shaped like his superhero form Megaman. He wasn't aware that they were selling Megaman merchandize for the event, but he found it amusing that the little kids looked up to him. To the far right of the stage stood a towering object obscured by a obscenely large tarp. A soft grunt came from the tarp as his brothers Gutsman and Elecman peeked out.

"You should be all good little man." Guts said.

"The last circuits have been put together so Dr. Light should be good for the presentation. If we don't count potential reprogramming that is." Elecman added.

"Hah oh please! With the security doubled, nobody should be that dumb to ruin this event! Plus we have our own little hero right here! Isn't that right Megaman?" Guts patted Elec's shoulder enthusiastically. Rock rubbed his head in embarressment of being called his superhero name so close to pedestrians.

"I still don't see why Dr. Light wants me to present myself as Megaman. Doesn't that undermine the whole "superhero keeps their identity a secret" thing?" He asked.

"The mayor wants the public appeal to be huge for this event. He thinks you being here for the city's renaming will boost the morale in the crowd." Elec explained.

"I suppose that makes sense." Rock huffed.

"Hey," his electric brother started as kneeled to his level with calm eyes, "you will be fine. You can handle this for a couple of minutes, then you can join us in the crowd. It is as much of your event as it is the doctors."

A smile was exchanged between one another before Roll called for him beyond the curtains. As he was dragged backstage, Mayor Leo grabbed his hand aggressively. With his slicked back hair and formal looking attire, Rock almost mistook him for a celebrity as he stood their in shock. Only moments later was he able to snap out of it and return the shake.

"Thank you so much for joining us Megaman! I'm sure this will be an excellent event that shall be remembered for years!" The mayor said.

"Thank you for having me Mayor Leo. So what is it that you want me to do?" Rock asked. Leo rubbed his chin thoughtfully and snapped his fingers.

"It's quite simple! I give out my speech with your good old Doctor Light and once his introduction is finished, I will hype up your introduction. When your name is called you will hop towards the front of the stage and transform in front of the crowd. Everyone out there will love you for it!! Are you ready?" Leo pumped his fist in the air, as if to hype himself up rather than Rock. The noises from the crowd grew louder as the time began.

"Sure am sir! I'll be ready!" Rock matched his enthusiasm, which succeeded in making the mayor happy. The leader of the city said nothing else as he exited onto the main stage with confidence. Roll straightened a few strands of hair before directing her brother toward the top of the stage.

"I won't spoil it, but dad has a special gift for you after the show." She whispered. Rock didn't get to ask her what she meant before she climbed down and joined Doctor Light. The crowd erupted in delight as the mayor gave his signature greeting. Taking a deep breath, he waited for his name called throughout the presentation.

"GOOD MORNING EVERYONE! I certainly hope everyone is excited for what we have in store for today! I want to thank Thomas Light for helping bring this event together, and for the help his wonderful creations have done for our city! While the past few months haven't been the brightest for us, rest assured that from this moment on the brilliant scientist will help bring a new era to the public. But before I hand the mic over to Doctor Light, I'm sure most of us are aware of the robot hero that has saved us from the evils of Doctor Wily? Megaman?" As the name of the blue robot superhero was spoken, the crowd erupted into applause.

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