His beginning part 2

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The city of Monsteropolis spanned for miles, thousands of buildings standing high with flashing signs and factories exploding with noises and chatter. Restaurants, shopping stores, and hotels made up most of downtown with a movie theatre between two popular diners. While most of the business facilities stayed close to the city's inner circle, factories and power plants scattered across several blocks. Close to downtown was Titanium Park, the largest park combining synthetic and natural materials. 

Multiple species of trees scattered amongst artificial mountains for brave children wishing to experience the thrill of climbing, and flattened trails walking through a field of arranged flowers circling interwoven ponds and creeks. In the heart of the park was a large wooden stage with ornate banners spelling out Thomas Light's name. Crowds swarmed the perimeter anticipating the roboticist's arrival with little drones hovering overhead. The backstage was quiet with Rock and Roll straightening the man's lab coat as best as possible.

"How about I say 'to bring a new level of peace' instead? Or does that sound a little vague?" Dr. Light recited his speech. The increasing noise outside indicated the crowds were growing larger and rowdier, and the roboticist clung to his papers.

"Maybe something else Dr. Light." Rock objected.

"Hold still, you're going to mess up your hair." Roll huffed. She slicked his white hair into a pompadour and pulled his fluffy beard from the coat buttons.

"It's funny that even after all these years, I'm still no good at giving presentations. Brings me back to my days back at the university." Light sighed.

"What is a university?" Rock asked quietly. As he finished tying the polka dot tie around his creator's neck, the announcer peaked from the curtain with a small cough.

"Thomas Light, you're up." The announcer said before disappearing back to the stage.

"Just speak from the heart Dr. Light. It has worked before, so you can add whatever you wanted say seamlessly." Rock said. A light chuckle came from the doctor as the three before he stepped onto the stage. Paparazzi previously squeezing through pedestrians and reporters raised megaphones to the wooden edges, the crowd silent with the rise of the speaker's hand.

"Good afternoon everyone, and I'm so happy all of you could join us today..." Light begun with a greeting full of confidence. Rock and Roll stared at their father with intertwined arms through the scaffolding holes. The roboticist's cheesy opening slowly transformed into a heartfelt speech about the bonds between robots and the humans that built and care for them. 

As everyone leaned in to hear him, a figure inched towards a door closed off from the main stage, the robot masters' figures peacefully shut down. The figure pried open each robot's chest with a screwdriver, his hands moving the delicate circuitry underneath. Underneath the circuit clumps and synthetic organs was a silent core, with his fingers tilting them to find the tiny slots behind the core framing. One slot was filled with a colorful chip with the other a vacant slot. The man pulled six dark purple chips and eagerly inserted one into the vacant slot with a satisfying click. He watched as the cores started rapidly and the robot master's came to life, with all looking at him like soldiers to a general. The figure smiled maliciously and pointed their way out.

On the other side, Rock headed toward the door to activate the robot masters. He halted as he saw the already opened door and a letter "w" scratched on its frame and floor. The immobile bodies of his extended family were no where inside, and no evidence but a rusty screwdriver was left.

"Cutman? Elecman? Anyone in there? Did you guys accidently activate?" Rock called. Concerning thoughts circled through his processor as no one responded. He wondered if they really did activate prematurely and wandered off, remembering Dr. Light mentioning they were still in beta. A massive noise shook the stage behind him and the screams of the audience flooded his receptors. Darting out of the room and onto the stage, he was met with a chaotic scene of people fleeing and a blown podium. Many banners blazed in the sky and drones were fried from massive electric discharges. Roll had luckily managed to force Dr. Light underneath a dented table.

Megaman: RebootTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon