Gold and Blue

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"Aaaaaaaand TOUCHDOWN!!" Bombman exclaimed as he threw the soccer ball onto the ground. He was teamed up with Cutman and Iceman, while Rock's team had Roll and Fireman.

"Bombman wait, that's not how you play at all!" Rock's sister huffed, her circuits slightly hot from the play.

"What do you mean? This is football we are playing, right?" Bomb was confused, Cut not understanding the accusation.

"We're playing soccer dude. That's completely different." Rock explained.

"What's the difference, mega bro?"

"Mega?" Rock thought about the weird name before shaking his head, "Football has different rules compared to soccer. I can show you how to play, but we have to skip this game." There were some collective groans and heavy breathing. The early summer sun was beating down on their metal skin, warming the already hot circuits inside.

"But some of us are baking out here Rock." Ice groaned.

"Well then, I'll go prepare the game near the city's soccer field once you guys are done. Is that okay with everyone?" Rock rolled his eyes when everyone nodded. Leaving the yard, he packed the soccer ball and a couple ribbons into his backpack. "Roll, tell dad I'm going down to the soccer field!!"

As he went down the hill, there was a shattering of glass along with a couple of screams and an angry brother. The trip to the soccer field was short, Rock had made plenty of trips here before. Soccer was one of his favorite games to play, but didn't play in any teams until they had new brothers. Other times, he would watch soccer tournaments with Dr. Light late.

The field was empty and neat aside from a couple of kids playing. Getting out the ribbon, Rock wrapped it around his neck, having a yellow handkerchief in a bow. He walked out to the field with the soccer ball, approaching the young boys. They looked at him with curious looks.

"Hey, what's up?" One of them asked.

"I wanted to join in, my family will be arriving shortly. Could I have a game?" Rock replied politely. Two of the kids smiled and nodded, offering a handshake to the little robot.

"Of course! What's your name and what team do you want?"

"I'm Rock, and I'll take-" Suddenly, the oldest kid grabbed the other's shoulder and violently pulled him away. He then pulled the second kid away from Rock and took a step back.

"Rico, what the hell?"

"Don't let this thing play, he's a robot. Can't you tell?" The leader kid pointed at the confused Rock. The other kids seem to share that feeling and continued to stare at Rico.

"Yeah, what about it? He asked us if we wanted to join him, what difference does it make? We could use an extra member."

"Did you idiots forget the attack with the robot masters a few days back? Doctor Wily hasn't been caught yet, this might be a robot of his. My parents said it was possible." Rico glared at the two kids.

"Dude, really? You have got to stop it with the paranoia." The tallest kid slapped his head.

"Whatever! I'm not playing with someone I can't trust." Rico huffed.

"Speak for yourself."

"You guys want a fight!?"

The kids started to snap back at Rico, Rock wondering if he should leave and come back later. However, he noticed someone else walking onto the field. He looked a little taller than Rock, with pale yellow hair and striking green eyes. And from looking at him a little more, Rock soon realized this was a robot as well. But he thought his family were the only robot masters in Monsteropolis. The robot almost practically touched Rico's back before leaning in and spoke up.

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