A surprise visit

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"Alright Topman, take it easy." Dr. Light said softly as the pipes were taken out of the robot's chest slowly. Rock had finished the diagnostics until there was nothing wrong with his half-brother, and shut the lab computer down. Snakeman was watching from the door, ready to step in if it got messy.

"We fixed your core as much as we could and stabilized your circuitry. As long as you don't move too erratically, you won't have to worry about your internal components moving around."

Top nodded while smiling and took the first step. The wheelers on his feet slipped on the slick floor, and Rock grabbed his chest to avoid falling. He took a couple more steps and gradually relied less on Rock's hands. He staggered to the door and walked normally to the living room. The rest of the Wi-lights were watching tv with others when the robot came into view.

"Topman! You're alive and walking!" Sparkman yelled in happiness.

As soon as he sat down, Top pointed at Rock and patted a spot on his right. The Light bots suddenly stopped their conversations by the gesture, tensing up for any possible argument about to happen. The stares were cold and full of judgement on all the half wily bots' faces. Rock felt he was going to break until Roll gripped his shoulder.

"Do you guys have a spot for me?"

The Wi-light's stare softened as the twins took their spots. Roll had squeezed between Magnet and Needleman, and Rock had sat against Top's side. Gemini was on the left side of Hardman, who acted like a cushion for Sparkman. Snakeman was behind Topman on the couch, the tail of the helmet dangling off the side and brushing against his brother's shoulder. Rock felt his hair ruffled by the reptilian robot.

"Told you he would warm up Gemini. Pay up."

"What?! That wasn't part of the deal Snakehead!"

Laughter erupted from the pile with Gemini grumbling giving up money. The next half hour was a collection of small talk and jokes, occasional laughter over fighting over the remote. Rock had gotten involved with most of the conversations, but they became more casual with each one, and he gotten more excited to bring up a new one. Magnet as some point grabbed some utensils and controlled them like puppets with his magnetic abilities. Snake was throwing pots and pans to add to the tricks, and Roll marveled at the skill.

Dr. Wily entered through the door surprised to see so many robots in one place. The Light bots had a deep scowl, the Wi-lights raised their hands in greeting. Top was last to raise his hand because he had pulled Rock closer, despite the child wanting to scoot away from the doctor.

"Here. I was told to give this to you." Rock was lost for words and Wily disappeared into the lab again. It was a letter with a peculiar stamp on the end. Ignoring the background noise, he ripped opened the letter.

Hello Megaman,

We needed to contact you without drawing attention. We must discuss your heroic antics as soon as possible. Meet at Downtown near the marketplace at 2 p.m. on the 24th of July. Don't be late.

"24th of July? But that's today, and..." Rock stared at the clock and noticed the time was drawing close. He hopped out of Top's lap, much to the surprise of everyone, and hastily put his jacket on. "Sorry everyone, there's something I need to get in the city. Tell dad I'll be back before dinnertime."

He headed into the city, sprinting faster when every minute went by. He didn't know why he needed to be there, but the letter sounded important. Even if he didn't know who sent it. He slowed down to process his thoughts. It could be a trap, and the letter was to get him separated away. He thought about going back to the lab and ask one of his siblings to come with him. Or better yet, ignore the letter all together.

Megaman: Rebootحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن