His beginning pt. 1

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The year was 20XX, and a new technological age had begun to circle the earth. As the first simple robot for labor work was distributed to the public, and the world government had the three laws of robotics legal with every technological company, simple programmed robots had become a part of everyday work and human lives became adjusted to their new cozy lifestyle. Despite its success, the simple robot models were unable to handle jobs requiring complex thinking. Without the necessary upgrades to calculate complicated issues, many robots were destroyed in several job fields. 

To help with this problem, a brilliant roboticist named Thomas Light invented the first robot model with advanced artificial intelligence, which he later nicknamed the robot masters. These models would be able to process information given to them, and decide on the best solution or response with what has been provided. As a side effect, the robot masters had the ability to develop a personality from the environment and people they interacted with. As the news of robot masters reached the government, Thomas Light soon gained worldwide fame as the "father of robotics" and creator of second robotic renaissance, promising a new age where the bonds between human and robot would grow stronger. 

But his fame would be responsible for the anger of a fellow roboticist, and one little robot master would step up to stop any act of violence against human and robot kind. And that robot's story is bound to create more and change the fate of robots forever...


Far away from the bustling streets of the city Monsteropolis, a white cylinder shaped house stood on a small hill with a thick forest surrounding the back. A white picket fence surrounded its perimeter, a beautiful array of crops and flowers decorating its edges and pathway. The metal garage door was hidden well and doubling the size of the cars. The inside of the house was deceptively large with mostly vacant walls and minimalistic photos, except for a few frames showing a middle aged man with two young children. A large flat screen laid against the wall close to the main kitchen with a oversized couch on the opposite side and a case displaying several awards over it.

The second floor was more decorated compared to the first floor with frames lining the walls and different pattered doors leading to huge rooms. The doors furthest from the stairs were the main bedrooms, one with a comfy bed and a small desk littered in blueprints. The second bedroom had light blue walls with glowing stars in the corners, a bunk bed with different colored blankets right to the window. A little black haired boy laid across the lower bed peacefully, his light blue eyes scanning through the panels of a comic book.

"Hey Rock, come on down! The news is coming on!" A deep voice called out from the first floor. Rock jerked in surprise and falling off the bed, the last page of his comic having become squished. His body made a loud thud against the floor but he managed to straighten up and scurry downstairs.

A middle aged man sat on the couch with a smile, a small smoking pipe trailing with newly puffed smoke. His fluffy white beard reached to the front of his lab coat, his blue eyes gesturing for Rock to come join. On the floor was a little girl the same age as Rock, with her yellow hair tied together with a green ribbon and red dress dusty from cleaning the floor. The little boy sat next to his sister, and the tv's volume raised just enough for all three to hear. On the screen was a tall robot resembling a female teen, her bright pink hair accompanying her reporter attire.

This is Plum, reporting live from Monsteropolis Square, where famous roboticist Doctor Thomas Light is expected to arrive later this afternoon to display his newest set of special programmed robot masters to the open public. As you can from the crowd out here, everyone can hardly contain their excitement to see what the great "father of robotics" has in store for us.

As clips of Rock watched the news as they showed clips of Dr. Light talking with the public, he turned to the man on the couch. He smiled before pointing towards the kitchen. "Is it okay for us to see the others Dr. Light?"

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