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Roll ran as her brother fell to the ground motionless. Dr. Light attempted to run but was stopped by Astil. Shadow looked down on the unconscious robot with the ninja star in his hand. Before he could grab both him and Roll, Hardman stood between them. The wi-lights were aiming their busters on him, but he remained unimpressed.

"I'm going to say this as nicely as possible. What did you do to the kid and where are our brothers? We know they went to see you, so answer us!" Gemini spat aggressively.

To their surprise, the ninja bowed and lowered his weapon. "Your brothers are okay, as is the boy. My master is waiting for all of you to join him. If you want this to end peacefully, you will take his offer."

"You just attacked one of our own!!"

"He shouldn't be dead from such a small cut. Is he still breathing?" He asked. His surprise only made the wi-lights angrier.

"You're not even sure?!?"

"If you knew what is to happen in a few minutes, you would want to take my offer. Last chance, or I have to follow orders."

The robots heard the sound of sniffling and looked toward Sparkman. The light orange electric robot had tears strolling down his face, his electric "hands" emitting small sparks. "Y-You did something to my brothers, didn't you? I felt their signals not long ago, and they faded. But Snake...he was forcibly severed. Like he was a-attacked. And now hurt them, didn't you? You're not a good person, a-are you? I don't want you hurting any more of us...leave. Leave us alone! And give our brothers back!"

A large ball of electricity was fired in the ninja's direction, and he slid toward Spark. He was in front of the robot and sighed, unsheathing a hidden kunai. "Very well. You asked for this." Spark screamed as the kunai jabbed his side. The weapon was pulled out, and wires became exposed. Before Shadow could attack again, Magnet's yell alerted him of their attack and slid away. The doctors were forcibly shoved inside as lasers, needles, punches, and ninja stars were thrown. Roll remained sitting motionless, clutching to Rock's body.

"Stand still you incompetent, half screw worth of a ninja!" Needle shouted. Shadow simply stomped on his face and attempted to slash him.

"You need to learn to bite your tongue." Shadow huffed. Magnet came next, firing several missiles.

"I don't know who you are or what your master wants, but I can't let you harm my brothers. It will be pointless to try and dodge my missiles. They can hone in on any robot made with a metal of magnetic properties. So sorry ahead of time." Shadow dodged the first two as best he could, but tripped on the last one. The missile collided into his back, the explosion colliding him into the wall of the greenhouse.

"I got him!" Magnet approached the downed opponent. He touched the burnt shoulder and blood trickled down his hand upon contact. It was a dark red color with blotches of black.

"B-Blood? But how are you-" Magnet couldn't finish when Shadow's eyes snapped open. The katana twirled underneath and pierced him in the shoulder. His insides felt like fire, and Magnet could only gasp and spasm as the ninja stood up. The black smudge and injury from the missile was all gone, and he reached for the neck. A slight jab was all he felt, and Magnet blacked out.

"Two down. Ra Moon, bring me reinforcements. I'm more rusty than I thought." He murmured.

"Fine by me!" Gemini shouted.

Shadow flinched as a laser aimed for his legs, jumping as it bounced off the grass and trees. Gemini created several clones of himself, all of them shooting lasers at every object and their opponent. As Shadow avoided as much bullet fire as he could, and Roll felt a tug as the real Gemini grabbed her. He avoided the ninjas vision and threw the twin robots inside, the doctor and botanist already assisting.

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