Temple Battle pt. 2

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Crashman ducked to avoid the incoming rubble coming for the head, and watched as Quickman get blasted by a laser. The laser bounced and barely missed Flashman, who had crouched beside him amongst the battle. The brainwashed Gemini and Magnet remained unmoving, only casting a sideways glance before launching another laser or missile. The area that was once filled with standing pillars and relics were nothing more than crumbled bricks and dust. A strange hum had echoed throughout the field and hurt his receptors, and his movements had slowed down.

"My bombs are not detonating as fast! I'm losing ammo!" He called to his brother.

"My time stopper refuses to activate too. That hum from the temple must be what Megaman was talking about, it disables all electronics and robots." Flash responded.

"But I thought the doc's special coating is supposed to protect us!"

"Yes, for a limited time but not much longer! If we stay sitting ducks for much longer, we'll become like these relics here! Where the heck is Metalman?!"

Crash tried linking to his leader but static filled the other side and he promptly gave up. The yells of Quickman getting tossed around were mixed with the laughter of the brainwashed robots.

"I can't get a link."

The laughter died down and Flash gave a motion to hush. The two peeked over to see a badly scratched Quickman pinned to the ground by Magnet and Gemini, the latter pompously wiping himself of any dust. With their attention diverted, the brothers drew closer with weapons ready.

"This is the best that the doctor made before us? I have lost all respect for the man." Magnet muttered smugly.

"Shut up, you filthy new-built! You're the one being controlled!" Quick argued, and a laser aimed too close to the head.

Magnet leaned in. "And yet you are blind to what controls you."

Flash was within inches from them before he smashed their head into the ground. The brainwashed Gemini looked at the tussle only for Crash bash him upside the head. Gemini shouted, firing a laser that bounced all over the battlefield and landing a clear hit on Flash. Quickman quickly got back up and smashed Magnet into the ground until he stopped resisting. The speedy robot summoned many of his boomerang blades and aimed them towards Gemini next. However, before the blades could make contact, the robot split into his many copies scattered around the battlefield all laughing.

"You want us? Come find the real one!" 

It dawned on them the clones had changed the battle into a game of hide and seek. With every chunk of debris they destroyed, it only revealed another clone and its teasing grin. Lasers bounced from all sides with each miss, and another taunt thrown into the mix. The three Wily bots armor was filled with smudge marks from the lasers, and the real Gemini was yet to be seen.

Quick started to get agitated, no longer showing his cocky arrogance but a flaring anger of being played with. Crash had used almost all of the bombs, with only enough ammunition for one shot in both arms. Flash knew he had enough fuel for one more time stop, but his brothers' potential endangerment stopped him from doing so. They all knew they needed a plan, but they were no leaders like Metalman.

A link alerted Flashman and he answered to a familiar voice screaming in panic. "Somebody help! I'm being chased by a big robot!"

Flash linked to the robot in question. "Heatman, it's Flash! Where are you right now!?"


"Duck? What do you mean-OH CRAP!" He exclaimed as brother, engulfed in his flames flew past him in a fireball and collapsed into a pile of rubble. The rubble exposed another clone of Gemini and vaporizing into the air. Not far behind stood a hulking blue robot stampeding through the trees with a smile.

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