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"Kiddo, wake up!"

Rock felt a pair of hands pushing him down, and jolted at seeing the purple eyes of Top. His senses slowly came back as he realized he was still on the plane to Brazil. The chattering of all his siblings bounced around, the passenger next to him fast asleep. Top reached over the back of the seat and patted his head.

"Are you okay? You started jolting around so much, I thought the plane's network was sending you into a spasm." Top said more softly.

"Yeah, I was just dreaming. How far are we into flight?"

"The sweet lady said we should be approaching the land in about a couple of minutes. Just asking for a brother, what's it like down there?" Rock sometimes forgot that despite most of his siblings being programmed to be older than him, they are still a week old.

"Well, it's hot and humid. And full of animals, and expensive food? I don't know Top, I've never been here before."

"Then it's going to be a lot more interesting. Let's hope Hard and and Needle didn't get sick over the ride."

When the plane landed, everyone was greeted at the gate by Astil and Plantman. Magnetman stayed behind to help Hard, Needle, and Spark out of the plane's cargo hold. They were cold to the touch, but as the drive to the town continued, their cores warmed everyone up. Plantman continued to teach Roll how to properly care for many types of flowers, to much to her delight.

Top at one point couldn't fit into the car and volunteered to step out. Rock was horrified when he leapt out of the moving car, but the horror turned to relief as he grabbed hold of the door, cruising along with his roller feet. Meanwhile, Snake and Gemini basked in the sunlight from the car's roof.

Rock took notice of the towns as they went by. The towns were much smaller than Monsteropolis's, and there were more humans among each other than robots. The ground was less even, but the streets were filled with plants, flowers, and satellite dishes.

At the highest of the town laid a glass dome building, the starting canopy of the Amazon not too far away. The panels of glass shone brightly like a mini sun, the leaves of the trees and planets inside pressed against them, the outside bricks of the walls ornately decorated with vines and roses. A grapevine hung off the sign and bushes lined the perimeter to the amazon.

"Impressive, huh Thomas?" Astil said as everyone got settled in. Rock pretended to be shuffling through his bag and listened to the doctors.

"You never did grow out of your love for plants, that's for sure." Wily muttered, showing some acknowledgment to the botanist. "Your robot is experiencing a glitch though. I saw him talking to weeds just now."

"Oh he was? That doesn't surprise me." Astil said. The two roboticists stared blankly from the nonchalant answer.

"Come again?" Wily questioned.

"My research revolved around plant cell communication and manipulating the signals to affect growth. Plantman was designed for that purpose. He is able to decipher changes in the plant's chemical signals and make appropriate changes to accommodate them. Think of him like a plant monitor." Astil showed the schematics of the floral robot master. Dr. Light stroked his beard with a interested smirk, while Wily stared blankly.

"But why does he talk to them?" Wily hummed.

"Oh...well, he just likes to pretend he's talking to them. Entertains the kids in town as well. It doesn't harm anybody, so I never confronted him about it."

"Sounds like a bunch of nonsense." Wily waved him off as he entered the greenhouse, with Doctor Light sighing in resignation.

"Hard to please, isn't he?" Astil murmured, his eyes darting away.

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