Last in defense

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Crashman sat contently on the unfinished tower of Wily's castle, watching the barely visible city towers in the horizon. Dangling his legs off the edge, he heard the orders from his brothers down below. The sun started to dip, bringing a dim blue across the sky. Suddenly, his bright colored bird came into view. The critter landed on the drill hand with a happy chirp.

The bird squawked and chirped to his robot caretaker, the ruffled feathers displaying his alertness. Crash's eyes shrunk before shaking his head. The voices of his three brothers grew louder. They were probably calling for him.

"You sure he's heading over here?"

One more squawk, and the bird nestled by his side. "I see. Thank you little pipi." The voices were yelling for him, and his irritation grew. "I'M COMING!!! DON'T GIVE YOURSELVES A SHORT CURCUIT!" With a wave, the robot bird glided down to the trees below. A few minutes of climbing down and Crash was confronted by the remaining three.

"What were you doing up there?" Heat rushed to his side with big eyes.

"Just getting details about Megaman. He's heading straight here, probably before the sun completely drops."

Quick, who had disappeared, appeared again leaning on his shoulder. "Did you get that all from the bird? Where did you even learn how to talk to birds?" Silence was his answer before Wily came into view.

"Why are all of you standing around? You're supposed to prepare for the final attack against the nuisance heading this way!" He huffed in irritation.

"We're on it sir. This will be over soon, the kid's got to be heavily damaged thanks to the others by now."

"Excellent Quickman! I expect all of you to succeed, and no failures. I already had to sacrifice some of my robots already, and I don't want to be humiliated any further!" With a coat turn, he went into his capsule back into the castle.

"This is a complete waste of time." Heat felt himself shrink by the looks of his brothers. "He's already damaged by the others, why should I put up any effort? Just you and Airman are enough to be overkill enough."

"But what if he's not? It oughta be a good challenge then, right?" Airman said.

"Pshh, whatever. Look, you guys can fight him and I'll be sitting by the sidelines." Heat smiled as he folded his legs on the ground, the lid pushed all the way back.

"Lazy butt." Quick muttered.

"Hey, you go die in a battle to the death, blood pumping. I'm dying watching the sun and napping. Ain't that right, Crashman? Crash?" While the argument continued on, Crash had watched the robot pipi birds circle the castle.

"He's coming." Was all he said as the figure floating above came into view.


"Bam...Bam bam! B-Bam baba-BAM! Fighting to save the city!~ Bananana...Megaman!~" Megaman hummed to himself as he floated above the clouds. It had been over 2 hours since he first had lift off, and he accepted the situation and leaned against the bubble. With any luck, the bubble would grow weak and he would descend gently to the ground. Worse case scenario, it would pop and he would plummet. The shield he got could break the fall, but until then, Megaman had repaired himself and regained strength all while coming up with a hero song for himself.

Suddenly, the bubble started to feel weak underneath as it wobbled still above the forest. It popped as Megaman activated the leaf shield. The fall to the trees wasn't as painful as he thought, despite the sticks snug on the arms.

An opening in the trees led to a strange fortress. Megaman marveled of the sheer size of the castle, painted with black bricks and decorated with sharp objects. The most prominent feature was a giant skull symbol plastered on the very center. This just screamed attention, and evil scientist.

Megaman: RebootWhere stories live. Discover now