"Sup." A slightly lazy voice came from behind. In reflex, Megaman whipped his buster at the enemy, a robot with a yellow box-like body. "Just asking, you're the bot that Wily wants to defeat, right?" His eyes were still not open.

"Yes, but please. I don't wish to fight."

"That's cool, not feeling the mood to burn you anyway." He waved his hand away. Megaman felt two things, relieved that an enemy didn't want to fight, but nervous because of the same reason. "But just heads up, I may not want to fight, but my brothers might."

Alerted, Megaman looked up to see the same familiar bomb shooting downward. Both robots dodged as the explosion shook the ground, Quickman and a big blue robot jumping down. Dodging a low sweep by the quickster, Megaman activated his buster to shoot at everyone. Airman made rough currents propelling him up. Within range, Crashman acted like a sniper and shot a bomb in the preferred direction. By dodging it, Megaman managed to avoid Quickman's kick to the stomach. All while Heatman watched from a rock.

While Crashman aimed to the ground, Megaman was dodging as much as he could on the duo's attacks. Airman was keeping him just out of range so his buster shots weren't much. And Quickman kept ramming into him before he could even blink. In the midst of thinking of a solution, he was propelled into the air. Both he and Crash stared at each other for several moments.

The blue robot was slammed into the foundation pipes. The orange robot charged, barely missing to puncture his face in. Megaman threw several metal blades near his arms and legs, but it only slowed his movements, and not the attacks themselves.

Knowing there was no way out, Megaman fired everything he could. The pipes were shaking under their feet, Quickman ramming himself into the foundation. Air tornadoes were shaking the tower recklessly.

Losing his footing, Megaman fell several feet to being barely saved by a stray mini tornado. The fight continued on for several moments, much to Megaman's dismay. He was wasting so much ammo.

"This is so pathetic!" Quickman laughed. "Dr. Wily was so scared of this guy, our four brothers fell to him! And we've just been playing with him!"

"Indeed. I have been planning several different circumstances to end him, and yet it seems your immature methods prove to be the most successful." Airman added in.

"Immature?! Come on, we're wrecking this kid!"


The two distracted robots failed to noticed Megaman picking up Heatman with ease and throwing him. Screaming, the three clashed into one pile and squirmed to get free. With room to properly run, the blue bomber avoided several sniper shots from Crashman, causing uneven ground filled with craters.

"Crash, gimme one." Heat's little hand waved. Grabbing one midair, Megaman was horrified to see him shove the bomb in the mouth and swallowed. His mouth expanded before exhaling a puff of smoke. His body erupted into flames as his body bounced around like ramming fireball.

Dodging the flames, Megaman sliced the support beams of the tower with the blades and got rammed by Heatman. The box robot was outraged that his enemy was holding him by the head. The flames intensified, the pipes gave in under the intense heat. Creaking and cracking, the tower fell like blocks.

Quick, in his panicked state, pushed Airman away and fled. Crash screamed bloody murder as he plummeted off the top. Airman was unable to avoid the pipes and his body was crushed under the weight. Heatman continued to struggle in Megaman's grip. He managed to immobilize his enemy by wedging his body in the fallen debris, effectively welding the metal to his overheating body.

Scanning the area, Megaman saw that Quickman was nowhere near the battle. One robot was crushed, and Heat spouted curses trying to get free. The only one left was Crashman, but his condition wasn't any better. One arm had been severed off with the other drill hand split in the middle. One of his eyes was cracked, the visor bent unnaturally. A small pipe was impaled through the waist, suspending the explosion bot in place. The two robots faced each other.

"Finish it."

"No." Megaman objected.

"Really? Not a few feet away, and you can't finish the job? You're going to put me and my brothers through all that, and not even finish it?!" He snarled. The pipe bent slightly, allowing the wound in deeper. Crash hissed in pain.

"Stop that! You're going to shut yourself off!"

"If you're not going to finish me, I'll finish you!"

Megaman frowned lowering his buster. "And how are you going to do that? Your weapons are down, and you can't even move. If you try attacking me, you'll end like your brothers here. And...I really don't want that to happen."

Crash had stopped squirming with those words. He swallowed hard to avoid the pain surging through his wires. He was losing energy fast, and his enemy had a point. But he wasn't going to let that slip through. Wily was sure to be mad if he told him he was listening to his enemy.

Megaman touched his shoulder, partly to gain his weapon, but also out a strangle feeling of courtesy. Crash didn't get it. "I'm really sorry you were made for this purpose."

"Whatever. Once Quickman informs Doctor Wily of you, you'll be done."

"We'll see about that."

The blue trudged through the ground, looking back to see Crash muttering to the immobilized Heat. Sighing, he headed into the castle's huge door.

Megaman: RebootWhere stories live. Discover now