Team SHLD: Lucas Cardinal

Start from the beginning

Roman: Great... another one.

Lucas: Surrender those Dusts, Torchwick, if you know it's good for you!

Roman: Come on, pal, let's be real here.

Suddenly, Lucas gets surrounded by a group of henchmen equipped with swords.

Roman: What made you think that you could just waltz in here and play hero?

Lucas: You're about to find out.

Roman: Good thing I brought backup, this time. Get him, boys!

Before the henchmen got the chance to run towards him, Lucas stomps his foot down, creating a shockwave the pushed every henchmen around him. 

Lucas dashes at one of the henchmen and kicks up into the air. Two henchmen are charging from behind. Lucas trips the first henchman, blocks the second henchman's sword, snatches it and then stabs it on the henchman's leg.

Lucas trips three henchmen with a sweep kick. He then parries one of the henchmen, before kicking the henchman down and stomps his face. Five henchmen are now charging at him as he charges back. Lucas dodges the swing of one of the henchmen's sword by sliding down on the ground, tripping at least two of them.

After standing back up, he parries a henchman and pushes him to the side. Another henchman throws a front kick, in which Lucas catches his leg and breaks the henchman's knee. The henchman he pushed away thrusts his sword forward. Lucas dodges the sword, knee strikes the henchman's gut, then punches him down.

The two henchmen he tripped down, stand back up and charges at Lucas. Lucas' shoe starts glowing in purple, equipping a gravity dust on it. He slams his foot on the ground, making the two henchmen float in the air. Lucas leaps on top of a henchman to strike him down, and bounces off to another henchman to do the same, before landing back on the ground.

Meanwhile, the henchman that he kicked in the air is about to land on the ground. Lucas takes this chance to run towards the henchman and perform a flying kick on him, sending the henchman to crash inside the trash bin.

Lucas: It's over, Torchwick! Hand over the Dusts.

Roman: I could, but you see; I really need them. I just really need the money for my grandmother. She... she... has breast cancer and.... she only has three days to live....

Lucas: ...

Roman: Pfft! Who am I kidding? I just want my Lien!

Lucas: Enough with the dirty jokes! Hand them over and there will be no further violence.

Roman: Yeah, that's the thing. I love violence.... and my grandmother already died of breast cancer. THE POINT IS, we're not done yet.

Footsteps are heard coming from behind Torchwick.

Roman: I still have this big guy on my side.

Roman: I still have this big guy on my side

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