"Baby." I was snapped out of my daze by Riley who had knelt in front of me and had his hand on my face. I looked at him then burst into tears again. He pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry." I sobbed. He rubbed my back.

"Shhh, it's not your fault." he cooed.

"It is...it really is...I'm sorry, Riley. I'm sorry...I'm sorry she was killed...I'm sorry I brought this trouble here...I'm sorry." I was speaking in between sobs. Riley stayed silent as he rocked me back and forth trying to calm me down. Riley tried to help me stand up but my knees buckled under my own weight so he picked me up and carried me upstairs. He laid me on his bed and kissed my forehead before telling me that everything would be okay.

Riley left and I knew that he was going to Max to find a way to get to Luke. My cell phone buzzed from the night stand. I took it and answered the unknown number.

"Hello?" I said weakly.

"Hi, princess." Luke's smug voice came through. "Did you get my present?"

"You psycho." I hissed angrily. "You didn't have to kill her!"

"I didn't want to...but after I dyed her hair and gave her contacts she just looked so much like you...I couldn't resist. Such a shame...she was a pretty girl."

"What do you want?" I sneered.

"You, of course. All I really want is you, princess." his tone was laced with arrogance.

"Over my dead body!" I barked.

"Oh trust me, that can be arranged." the line went dead and my blood was boiling.

Luke was a sick bastard. I couldn't understand how someone could just turn into such a monster.


Alexis and I sat at the table, it was a little early in the morning but Alexis had insisted that I wake up so that we could plan Gemma's wake.

"Sweetheart, I know you're still in shock and you're very emotional but as Luna you need to be strong. The pack draws strength from you and Riley. You need to be as strong as you can, okay?" Alexis put her hand on my shoulder.

"Yes, ma'am." I said softly. Last night Alexis and had called me down a while after I had gotten off the phone with Luke and told me that we had to break the news to Gemma's parents. They were devastated. I couldn't bare to look at them. She was their eldest daughter. They brought me tears and I barely slept.

I didn't tell Riley about the call from Luke because he had enough to worry about so I kept it to myself.

"We don't want to make it sadder than it needs to be so I thought yellow roses would look good around her picture." Alexis said handing me the smaller version of the photo of Gemma that would be used at the wake the next day. I single tear trailed down my cheek. I wiped it away quickly and looked at the picture.

Gemma had her honey blonde hair up in a bun, her emerald eyes were gleaming as she smiled broadly at the camera. A single dimple in her left cheek decorated her young face. It was heartbreaking to know that she was gone at such a young age...she was only seventeen.

I composed myself and continued to work on the preparations. I wanted the wake to be perfect. I owed Gemma that much.


"Gemma was really the most understanding person I knew." the girl at the stand said with a shaky voice. She was one of Gemma's friends and had agreed to say a speech here. "She really was the best friend anyone could ask for." she sniffed. "I remember once I got dumped by this guy and I was really depressed then Gemma told me that he did me a favour because I could do so much better than him." she gave a small laugh. "Just being around her was something that could brighten up your whole day..." the girl looked over to her left at Gemmas A1 framed picture. " Her smile was so contagious-" the girl broke out into a few sobs.

I suddenly felt claustrophobic in the room with all the people at the wake sitting in silence. The candles creating unnecessary heat and the black just draining any joy I had left. I walked out of the place and went into the street where I crouched down before breaking into a run. I needed to get away. It was all just getting to me.

I was a few blocks away from the house and walking at a slow pace.

We should go back. Saroya said.

No, I can't. Not now.

It's not safe out here. She scolded.

Please! Just keep quiet for a while. I need to be alone. I need to think! I countered. There was no reply.

I kept walking just thinking about Gemma and hoping that she was in a better place. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I was about to scream when I heard Alexis say my name.

"Jolene, are you okay?" she asked. I turned around to see her standing there with a worried look on her face.

"No." I broke into sobs and she pulled me into a hug.

"It's okay, sweetheart, it'll all get better." she cooed. I quickly sobered up and gave her a smile.

"Thank you." I said wiping away my tears. "For everything."

"Oh sweety, it was my pleasure." just as we were about to turn around and head home tires screeched and a black van came to a jarring stop next to the sidewalk. I turned to Alexis with panic in my eyes.

"Run." she said. Alexis pushed me ahead as we sprinted away from the van. I turned my head to look at Alexis only to find her struggling with three guys trying to get her into the van.

"Alexis!" I yelled. Somebody grabbed me and I started flailing.

"Easy, princess." I recognized Luke's voice. "Don't make this harder than it needs to be." he whispered into my ear.

We're going to shift! Saroya boomed in my head.

No! He doesn't know I can shift, that's the only advantage we have over him. I said to her. She knew I was right.

I kept flailing which caused Luke to put a cloth over my nose. The last thing I saw was Alexis being wrapped in chains that seemed to burn her skin.


A/N Oh my gosh shit just got real! What do you guys think??

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