41- Look Good In Red

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"Hey, Baby" they hear him answer and know its' Iris, "Iris?" Joe says as she's not responding. He then looks at all of them, before putting his phone on speaker.

"How many of you feel the trimethylene-32 coursing through your veins, hmm" they hear an all too familiar voice say.
"That's him, that's Jesse" Barry says.
"Cisco, can you ping her phone?" Joe asks.
"I'm on it" he says as he starts typing away on the computer.
"Trimethylmercury-32 is a relatively fast-acting poison" Caitlin tells them.
"Is there a possible cure?" Katrina asks her.
"Yes, we can start synthesize the antidote right now" Wells says to her.

"Cisco, where is she?" Joe asks.
"City Hall" he responds.
"The mayor's having a fundraiser there tonight" Joe then says and Barry and Katrina nod at him, as they get ready to change into their suits.
"Barry, Katrina, do not underestimate the Trickster" Wells shouts at them, as they take off for City Hall.

They arrive, both of them grabbing James Jesse, "Where's Henry Allen?" they demand from him.
"He's where you two will be soon, Heaven" he laughs at them as Axel comes over placing a device on each of their wrists.

"Are you familiar with the movie Speed, Keanu Reeves, Sandra Bullock? See you two are the bus, and that's the bomb" James says to them and they look at the devices on their wrists, "Kinetic bomb actually. If you go below 600 miles per hour, it'll explode. Same thing happens if you try and remove it" he adds, as Axel flips the switch on each, "Ooh! It's active, run, run, run" James says and the two of them take off running.

 Same thing happens if you try and remove it" he adds, as Axel flips the switch on each, "Ooh! It's active, run, run, run" James says and the two of them take off running

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"Cisco!" Barry says through the comms.
"He wasn't lying those things are linked to a speedometer, and it will blow if you two stop moving" they hear Cisco tell them.
"We can't freaking run forever!" Katrina tells him.
"There's got to be a way to get it off them without damaging it" they hear Caitlin saying as they continue to keep running, tying not to get exhausted.
"Barry, Katrina do you see any walls nearby?" they hear Wells say to them.
"Why?" they both ask him.

"Because I need you two to run into one, or more accurately, through one" Wells says to them.
"What?" they hear Caitlin and Cisco say together.
"If you two vibrate at the natural frequency of air, your bodies, your cells, will be in a state of excitement that should allow you two to phase right through that wall. Leaving the bomb on the other side" Wells explains to them.

"Should?" Barry asks.
"You two can do this, I believe in the both of you" Wells says to them.
"We can't do this" Katrina says panic rising in their voice.
"Listen to me Katrina, Barry, breathe, breathe, feel the air. Feel that wind on your face, feel the ground. Your feet lifting you up, pushing you forward and the lightning, Barry, Katrina, feel the lighting. Feel its power, it's electricity pumping through your veins. Crackling through you, traveling to every nerve in your body like a shock. You two are no longer yourselves now, you both are part of something greater. You two are part of a Speed Force, It's yours" Wells says this and two of them start to focus on his words, and start breathing slowly, "Now do it" he tells them, and the two of them look at one another before letting Wells words course through their bodies. They continue to run when they spot a tanker truck nearby, and they both run through the truck, the devices coming off their wrists. They come out the other side of the truck and stop, looking at one another, then at their wrist, when they hear the bombs explode behind them.

Struck By Lightning (1)The FlashNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ