Chapter Fifty Five: A Talk About Your Quirk

Start from the beginning

"In order for us to reach the idyllic future that I just spoke of, we're going to need as many good heroes on the streets as we can get. The first round was one to weed people out but we would like to grow the hundred selected in that test as much as possible and that's why we watched you all until the end" Mera explained.

'Well that answers that question' I think to myself.

As he went on he explained that the extra classes would be running concurrently to their regular studies which I could tell made Katsuki feel determined to finish the course quickly and catch up to us. And with all that finished we were one step closer to becoming pro heroes.


It was late as I stared at the photos on my wall, the moonlight giving just enough to see them. I heard my phone buzz erratically making me look over at it questionable.

"Who the hell is up right now?" I question myself aloud before walking over to my desk where my phone was plugged in.

From Broccoli Head:

Kacchan and I are walking towards Ground Beta, he isn't talking much. Do you know what's wrong with him?

I tilt my head in confusion as I reread the message, Katsuki was giving me the cold shoulder earlier after we got back but he locked himself in his room before I could talk to him. Plus I went over to Dad's apartment for dinner which mainly consisted of Dad lecturing me about being involved with Shoto and Inasa's fight but Present Mic congratulating me at the same time. 

To Broccoli Head:

Ground Beta? What do you mean?

It's been a few minutes and he still doesn't respond making me feel anxious.

To Broccoli Head:

Hello? You there Izuku?

When he didn't respond I grabbed a sweater pulling it over my tank top before heading outside. The cold night air was very apparent since I was only wearing leggings. I crossed my arms trying to keep warm as I walked towards Ground Beta to try and find my best friends.

Third Person POV

Katsuki Bakugo stood in front of the building that him and Izuku Midoriya first fought. Bakugo reminded Izuku that this is where they fought and he lost for the first time.

"You've always made me sick, you know that right Deku?" Bakugo told the green haired boy.

Izuku knew at that moment that this was going to be it, the moment that Bakugo would find out his secret.

"You were useless, no power at all, a joke" Bakugo insults Midoriya.

"So now you're going to tell me how you managed to get into this damn school with a brand new Quirk that appeared outta nowhere" Bakugo demanded from him.

Midoriya thought back to the beginning of the school year when he accidentally told Kacchan that he had borrowed the Quirk from someone and declared to work harder until it was fully his.

"I didn't understand what you meant back then because what you were saying made no sense but still you kept climbing higher and higher, always looking so satisfied with yourself. Akari never even seemed surprised either that the stupid idiot she grew up with somehow got a Quirk all of a sudden" Bakugo told him now looking up towards the sky, thinking of the girl he loved.

"Ever since that sludge villain, No it actually started when All Might came to town. Better and better and finally you passed the licensing exam while I failed. How the hell is that even possible?" Bakugo asked him with a ragged voice.

"That wasn't a matter of ability though" Midoriya pointed out carefully.

"Shut up and listen you damn nerd!" Bakugo yelled out to him while tensing.

"Sorry" Midoriya mumbled back.

"It pissed me off that I'd been beaten by such a pathetic weakling but after seeing what happened to All Might at Kamino Ward I began to understand" Bakugo stated while now looking back at Midoriya slightly.

'Here it goes' Midoriya thinks to himself while gulping.

"I've been giving it a lot of thought, you got your Quirk from All Might didn't you? He gave you his power" Bakugo states now turning to face Midoriya who instantly tenses at his correct guess.

"I heard about the boss villain, apparently he has the ability to steal a persons Quirk and give it to somebody else. Which sounds kinda crazy but then one of those old cat ladies had her power taken from her and can't work anymore and then you met All Might and you started changing then he lost his power and had to retire just like her" Bakugo explains to him as Midoriya sweats slightly, unsure of what to do.

"Then I remembered what he said after he beat the big bad, we all heard it. Back then you and Akari were the only two who really understood what he meant, she gave you those sad eyes she always does for when she feels bad for someone. There's more evidence too like the Nomu's and how they had multiple Quirks even though it seemed impossible" Bakugo explains more to Midoriya.

Midoriya was worried, stressed and fifty other emotions as he talked but he hoped that Akari had gotten his text from earlier and would come find him.

"Besides, All Might and that boss villain knew each other before that fight, not to mention how Akari was wrapped up in all of that as well because of her dumbass biological parents. Quirks can move from one person to another, All Might knew the guy that could do it and somehow it's all connected to what you said about getting your Quirk from someone else" Bakugo told him.

"I asked All Might about this in a way but he wouldn't give me a straight answer. Hell I even asked Akari and somehow you got her wrapped up in all your lies too, making the girl I love lie to me Deku. That's why you're going to tell me the truth" Bakugo told him sternly while clenching his fists, he was indeed furious at Deku but with Akari wrapped up in this he also felt betrayed.

Midoriya thought about what All Might would say and how upset he would be with him if he reveals his secret to Kacchan.

"You're not trying to deny anything which means I must be right so say it" Bakugo demanded lowly.

Midoriya clenched his own fists thinking about how he shouldn't have even gone with Kacchan since he knew this was coming, he didn't know that he would hold such resentment for Kari though. Midoriya felt conflicted, did he make Kari lie to Kacchan? This is the price he has to pay for not following All Might's instructions.

"Okay, what if it's true?" Midoriya asked now looking up to the hot headed boy.

"You and I both wanted to be just like All Might when we were growing up but I was the one who had the potential. Then somehow, a little nobody like you was singled out by the person I admire the most and I didn't even realize it. Not to mention you got the one person who believed in me the most to lie and betray me" Bakugo accused him.

"That's why we're here, you and I are settling this, right here, right now" Bakugo said while extending his arm out towards Midoriya.


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