Second Chances

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{Niall's POV}
A week had gone by and Maddie barely spoke to me, she didn't even look at me. I didn't exist to her and it hurt, I obviously wasn't over her but she no longer cared. I had barely said a thing myself but I tried to act as if nothing were the matter. I was sitting outside on the deck. It was evening and Maddie had left to go get dinner.

"Hey." I turned to see Maya heading toward me. "Jesus you scared me." "Oh sorry." She chuckled. "So, how are you?" She took a seat next to me. "Alright. Let me skip this part. You aren't okay, your upset am I correct?" I nodded.

"What are you gonna do?" She asked. I just shrugged. "Honestly I have no idea. She has already moved on, and she's made that abundantly clear."

"Then maybe it's time for you to move on as well?" She pondered. "But I can't! It was my fault and I can't fix it. I still want her, I need her." I rested my chin on my hands. Maya sighed, seeming to be stumped as well.

"Can you talk to her about it and maybe convince her to give me another chance?" I asked, feeling hopeful. She let out another sigh, longer than the first. "Niall I can't get involved in this." I sunk down, deflating any hope I still had. "Please just help me out with this!" I begged. "Don't you dare bring me into this Niall. If something goes wrong I'll end up being blamed and I could lose the people I care about." She paused to breathe. "I'm sorry Niall."

I buried my face in my hands. "Let me ask you something," she began after a moment of silence, "do you truly love her?" I nodded. "Yes, yes I can't live without her." Maya turned to face me. "If you love her and your feelings are true, then your feelings will show." She paused. "The only one who can convince her to give you a second chance. . . is you. Try talking to her again. If you love her, then you need to fight to get her back. She will see that you do love her, but she won't if you just give up."

I sat in silence. She was right, Maddie probably thinks I think she's not worth fighting for. I need to show her what she really means to me.

"You know what, your absolutely right! As soon as she gets home I'm going to let her know how much she means to me." I said confidently. "Good for you Niall." She said with a smile. "Well I'd better get inside, its starting to get chilly out." She stood up and stretched. "Alright, thank you for talking to me Maya." She smiled. "Hey, anytime." I got up and hugged her. She was really a great friend.

Just as she stepped inside, Maddie opened the door to the apartment. She was home. My heart jumped and began beating fast. I collected all the confidence I could muster and went inside. As usual, she paid no attention to me.

"How was dinner?" Zayn asked before stuffing his face with pie. "It was really great!" Maddie said, wearing a radiant smile on her face, probably because she had such a good time without me. "What happened?" Maya asked, suspiciously.

"Well. . ." She began. "Maddie!" I burst out before she could finish. Everyone froze to look at me, surprised because I hadn't said a thing for days. I was a bit surprised myself for bursting out like that. Maddie looked at me, I swallowed. "I. . . um. . . I need to talk to you." I managed.

"Um I don't think--" Just then a brown haired man opened the door to the apartment, interrupting Maddie. "Hey, you forgot your phone in my car." He was breathing hard. We all looked at him wondering who this floppy-haired stranger was.

"Oh thanks Josh!" She flashed a smile and he winked back. "Everyone this is Josh." She introduced. "Hi everyone." He said. "How do you know him?" Olivia asked, smirking. "We met at the restaurant. He was sitting alone and saw me alone as well, so he came over and we got to know each other." Maddie explained excitedly. They looked at each other and smiled.

It was too late, I was done for. I could no longer move my body. She was gone, she liked someone else and I just had to live with it. The last chance I had to get her back flew out of my reach. All the things I had to tell her; everything I had to say I now had to keep trapped inside. How was she going to listen to me now? The lingering sliver of hope I once had disappeared into thin air right before my eyes and once more despair and sorrow filled my mind. But she was gone and if that's what she wanted, then I guess who am I to stop her. I just hope this new obvious Justin Bieber wanna-be isn't going to be hanging around all the time.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2014 ⏰

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