Chapter 18

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Chapter 18- {Maya's POV}

Days past. We soon forgot about the incident. The nightmares went away. One evening, Harry and I were looking off the balcony at the steet below. I noticed a teenager skateboarding around. "I wish I could do that." I said. "But that would require me to have balance and skill which I really do not have!" "Oh hush, don't say that! I bet you could get it if you tried." Harry said. "I can teach you." "You skate?" I asked, surprised. "Yeah! My friends and I used to do it all the time." he explained. "Now c'mon!" He said excitedly, pulling me towards the door.

Before I knew it we were standing on the sidewalk with the skateboard in front of me. "I don't know about this Harry I--" he cut me off. "Shh. Hon you'll be alright. Just hold on to me and everything will be okay, promise." He said in a soft, considerate voice. I had one foot on the skateboard and one on the ground. I faced forward and held on to his shoulder with my right hand. I pushed off the ground and started to roll forward. I kept pushing and got the hang of it. Then he let go. "You can do it! Just focus and keep your balance." he yelled from behind me. I started to go faster and figured out how to turn. By the end of the night I had learned to skate board!

"Thanks for teaching me Harry!" I said. "Anytime Hon." he said, smiling.

{Maddie's POV}

I walked around the city, just admiring the buildings and people. Niall was running a few arronds and the others were back at the apartment. I was strolling down this one street when I went past a small office. The blinds on the windows were open and I could see in. I glanced in and there were two men having a conversation. I looked away but than looked back at them and stopped. One of the men was Niall. Then I kept walking until I got to where the window ended and went up against the brick of the building. I ducked down and peaked in the window. They looked very serious. Then a young woman came in and shook Niall's hand. Then the other man left and it was just Niall and the lady. She was young but older than me, she didn't look any older than 23. They talked together and then laughed. Then Niall noticed me in the window. He stood up and walked towards the door. I quickly ran around the corner in the entrance of an ally and stood up against the side of the building. Niall opened the door and starred down the street for a long moment. I stood up against the wall holding my breath hoping to god he didn't come look down the alley. Then I heard the door close. I let my breath out, peaked around the corner, and ran home.

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