Chapter 45

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Chapter 45- {Harry's POV}

Everything was back to normal. We were all glad that Olivia was staying with us. We finished our camping trip and headed home in the morning.

I dropped down on the couch.

"Everything is back to normal." Liam said sitting down next to me.

"I know, I'm glad." I put my hands behind my head and kicked my feet up.

Then there was a knock on the door.

"Got it!" I quickly stood up and walked to the door.


"Britney?!" I stood in complete shock starring at her.

"Ugh!" Liam stood up and went to the kitchen counter.

"What, are you, doing here?" I said with a fake smile.

"Did I surprise you?" she smiled widely.

"Yes! you certainly did!" I still stood there shocked.

She hugged me. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too Britney. Umm would you want to come in?"

"Of course." She walked in and sat down on the couch.

"Can we just pick up where we left off, as friends?"

I nodded. I didn't want her here. I had already had feelings for her before and I didn't want to have them again. It's not like I can help if I have feelings for someone but I was with Maya.

"So do you want to get some coffee sometime?" She smiled at me.

"Uh, yeah sure that would be great!"

"Perfect! Tomorrow morning at 11?"


"Great see you then!" she stood up, ran to the door and left.

I sat on the couch, speechless. "What just happend?"

"Looks like you are going out for coffee with Britney. Why did you say yes?" Liam asked.

"I felt bad!"

"What about Louis and Niall's soccer tournament tomorrow?"

"Damn it! I totally forgot about that! Ugh I guess I'm going to have to miss it." I sighed.

"I'm sure they will understand." Liam reassured me.

{Niall's POV}

"Okay Niall listen up. We can do this." Louis said putting his hands on my shoulders in the locker room. "Just focus and don't let the other team shake you up, don't listen to anything they say, just focus on the ball okay?"

"Okay, Louis, you know that's the third time you've told me that?" I said chuckling.

"Yeah yeah I know, I just don't want the other team to get the best of you."

"I promise I'll stay focused on the game."

Louis nodded. "Good."

Louis put his arm around me as we walked out onto the field. I looked over to the audience and spotted the other boys with Maddie and Maya watching. I winked at Maddie and I could see her giggle. I noticed Harry was gone.

"Where's Harry?" I asked.

"He's getting coffee with Britney." Louis said rolling his eyes. "But just as friends."

"Ehh." that was all I could say about that subject.

I walked out on to the field and got ready to play. I starred down a player on the other team. The referee blew the whistle and I kicked the ball to Louis. I ran up the field on the left and Louis run on the right with the ball. He made it up close to the goal.

"Louis, I'm open!" he passed it to me and I ran up to the defender.

I faked left and went right around him. I shot at the goal and the goalie jumped for it. It barely hit the tips of his fingers and went it. The goalie fell to the ground.

"Yes!" My team mates came and high-fived me.

We scored a few goals, they scored a few goals. By the end of the first half we were tied.

"Alright guys, we can do this. Just stay focused and keep going for the ball." the coach told us as we huddled up at half time.

"1, 2, 3 TEAM!" we all yelled.

"Okay, they are out for revenge now. Watch out, they push a lot." Louis warned as we walked out onto the field.

It started pouring rain and we were all soaked but we still played. The whistle blew and the other team kicked the ball. They passed it and I intercepted and stole it. I kicked it up the field toward the goal. Then I saw one of the boys from the other team running toward me. He was running fast. When he was right in front of me, he kicked at the ball but instead of stealing it from me, he missed and hit me right in the foot.

He then stole the ball and ran it in the opposite direction towards their goal. My foot twisted and I fell to the wet, muddy ground. My ankle ached, pain shot up my leg as I lay in the grass. The referee blew his whistle and the game stopped. The coaches rushed over to me. I looked over at the guy who tripped me and he stood there with a few other team mates from the other team and chuckled at me. I glared at him.

"What's wrong?" the coach asked.

"Its my foot." I held it in pain.

I looked over and Maddie was running toward me. "Niall, oh my god are you okay?" she asked worried, running her hands through my hair.

"No, my foot hurts a lot." I replied.

"Let's take you to the hospital." coach said helping me up.

"I'll take him." Louis offered.

"But we won't have enough players!" A guy from our team whined.

"Well, this is my best friend and I am going to take him to the hospital."

I stumbled over to the car still in terrible pain and we left for the hospital.

{Maddie's POV}

"Hey, buddy, you messed with the wrong man!" I yelled as I approached the guy that tripped Niall.

"Hey, he deserved it." he smirked.

"How dare you! Listen, and listen good. If you ever lay so much as a hair on Niall again, you won't be able to walk either." I hit my fist with my other hand.

"Okay okay I'm sorry!" he said backing away. I flinched at him and he jumped back.

"Let's get out of here!" one of his friends yelled. Him and his friend started sprinting away.

"Yeah, that's right! Run!" I yelled.

"Alright. I think that's enough." Maya said pulling me away.

We found Liam, Olivia, and Zayn and we headed to the hospital.

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