Walk In the Park

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Chapter 8- {Maddie's POV}

A few weeks passed and Niall and I were still a thing. Maya and Harry were still together as well. It was a Saturday morning and I was super excited!

I walked out of the bathroom and stopped. "Maya, what day is it?" I asked, anticipating her reaction. "It's the first day of summer!" we both yelled at the same time. We both did a little dance. "We are finally free. No more homework, no more tests, no more stress!" Maya said, excited. "Party all night, sleep in, do whatever we want!" I said. "Hell yeah!" Zayn said. I laughed. "Hey Maddie, what do you say about going to an amusement park today?" Louis asked, coming to sit down next to me in the kitchen. "Louis, I'd have to say that is a brilliant idea." I said in my best British accent. We both laughed. "Does that sound ok to you Maya?" Zayn asked. "Yeah sounds fun!" Maya answered.

We ate breakfast, got dressed and headed there. It was going to take about and hour and a half to get there, so Louis offered to drive since he was the oldest. Zayn sat in the front next to Louis. I sat in between Niall and Liam in the middle section and Maya and Harry in the way back. After about 20 minutes Maya and Harry were asleep. Harry was up against the window and Maya was sleeping on him. They were so cute! Liam was asleep as well. Then I got tired and fell asleep.

When I awoke I was leaning on Liam. He was really cute when he was sleeping. The car stopped and Liam awoke. We all got out, grabbed our stuff, and walked in. We bought our tickets and went in. "Where do you want to go first?" Zayn asked. "Lets go ride that roller coaster right there!" I said, pointing. "Ok!" Niall agreed. "Ok me and Maya are going to go on some rides together. Is that ok?" Harry asked. "Yeah! Louis, Liam and I will go on some rides! Lets meet back in an hour and a half." Zayn said. "Ok let's go!" Niall said, running towards the rollar coaster. I laughed and ran after him.

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