Chapter 20

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Chapter 20- {Maddie's POV}

The next day, Niall claimed he had to run some more "arronds" so I planned to follow him. He walked out the door of our apartment room and I counted 10 seconds and then slipped out. I reached the door and opened it to the street. I looked around for Niall. He was ahead looking suspicious. I followed about 10 feet behind. He turned corners and walked down streets. Then he turned into an alley, the one that leaded to the office. I carefully walked behind him. Then I accidentally kicked a can and I ducked behind a dumpster. He stopped and turned around. He starred for a moment and then continued walking in a mysterious way. I waited until he reached the office to get up. I ran to the end, crouched down and peaked in the window.

There she was again. What was this place? I looked up the brick wall but there was no name. Was it a secret meeting area? My mind was racing with ideas. Niall sat down with her at a desk. They chatted for a while. I wish I could've heard what they were saying, but I couldn't. They exchanged papers, ones which I couldn't read because I was too far away. After a while they stood up and gave eachother a long hug. "Time to let go lady!" I whispered to myself. Then Niall walked towards the door waving goodbye. I darted and mixed myself in with the crowd of people walking down the street. I found my way out into the ally again and Niall was gone.

I leaned up against the wall, thinking. Wondering what he was doing and what the office was for. Then it occurred to me that I could just walk in and ask, plain and simple. It's not like Niall would find out. I walked up to the door and went in. The place was bigger than it looked from the outside. The woman came out and looked suspiciously at me. "Hello. Can I help you?" she asked. "Oh, I was just wondering, what is this place?" I asked. "This is a detective office." she answered, suspiciously. "Oh ok I live around and I've always wondered that's all." I said, and left.

Why would Niall be going to a detective office? Or was he going there just because he had a thing with that girl? He kept this whole thing a secret from everyone else which led me to believe that he was just playing around with another girl. I hoped it wasn't true but I knew that it was. I walked home slowly, tears running down my face.

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