From Friends to Enemies

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Chapter 13- {Maya's POV}

We watched the movie. I sat next to Harry with Hannah on the other side. As you would've guessed, I didn't really like this seating arrangment. About half way through the movie, Hannah got a little too friendly with Harry. Leave it to Hannah to take it to the below-the-belt level!

"I'm cold." Hannah said, folding her arms. "Are you cold Harry?" "No not really." he replied. I could obviously see what Hannah was doing. She was pretending that she was cold so that Harry would give her his jacket. "It's the middle of June, how are you cold?" I asked, irritated. Hannah sat back and looked embarrased. 5 minutes later I looked over and she was huddled up against Harry. Then I got furious. Why was she cuddled up with my boo?! I got closer to Harry and rested my head on his shoulder. I could tell it made Hannah jealous.

"Harry would you like a glass of water?" Hannah asked. "Why, that would be lovely! Thank you!" Harry said. I really wanted to smack the smug little grin off her face. She brought back the water and handed it to Harry with a huge smile. What now, she's going to win him over by being his slave? Oh please.

When the movie was over, Harry had fallen asleep. We had all gone over to the kitchen to get a snack. "Be right back, I forgot my phone on the couch." Hannah said. Louis made a funny joke and we all laughed hard. Then I turned around to see what was taking Hannah so long and she was kissing Harry. i gasped. "Hannah what are you doing?!" I yelled. She stood up quickly. "I um..." she said looking for the right words. "You know what, no. You have been trying to steal my Harry all night. Now I see the real reason you came over here! You don't really want to be my friend, you just used me to get to Harry." I said, furious. By this point Harry was wide awake, confused at what was going on. "Harry doesn't even like you! Harry is mine!" she said. Was she delirious? "Excuse me? Um Harry is mine!" I said back. "Hannah, Maya and I are dating." Harry said sternly. "UHHGG! Fine! But I'll be back. And Harry will be mine!" She reassured, as I pushed her out the door. "Your leaving right now crazy." I said. "See how it feels to have the picture of this face, kissing your man, in your brain!" she said, trying to make me jealous. "Yeah yeah, ill file it with the rest." I said, slamming the door in her face.

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