Chapter 34

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Chapter 34- {Maddie's POV}

I told Maya about what happend at the café. "Omg that's so funny! I bet her face was priceless!" Maya doubled over in laughter.

"Hey guys I have an idea!" Liam came in the room looking excited.

"What is it?" Maya asked curiously. "I think we should go camping, what do you all think?"

"That sounds fun!"

"Great idea Mate!"

"Yeah I like that!" We all agreed.

The next day we packed up the car and headed off. We took the highway outside of London until we came to an off road. There was a sign that read "Kent Park". We had finally arrived.

We drove on a path until we came upon a large open area with trees surrounding it.

We set up our 2 tents and our other stuff. Close by there was a lake so we decided to walk along it.

"Remember on the beach that one time when Harry fell asleep and we buried him in sand?" Liam laughed.

"Oh yeah!" Zayn and the others joined in. Harry grabbed a hand full of sand and threw it at Liam.

"Hey!" Liam retaliated and threw some back. Next thing I knew we were throwing sand everywhere.

Then Niall ran up to me. "Hey lovely lady, let's jump into the lake, together." Niall held his hand out and I took it. We sprinted off the dock yelling, "LIVE WHILE WERE YOUNG!"

When we came up from under water we were laughing.Everyone else followed us and jumped in. We swam around for a few hours and it started to get dark.

"Let's go back to the camp site and make a fire! Beat you there!" Harry started running. "No you wont!" Maya chased after him.

"Hey we will catch up with you guys in a bit." Niall said. "Ok, don't get too crazy kids!" Zayn teased. Niall smirked and rolled his eyes.

We sat down in the sand. "Wow, look at the sunset! It's beautiful!" The vibrant color reflected off the water and glistened.

"I'm so lucky to have a girl as beautiful and sweet as you." Niall smiled and starred at me.

Oh Niall. He was so sweet and caring! I was so happy to have him as well!

"You are the sweetest, most amazing, cute, irish man I have ever met." I smiled at Niall and he smiled back.

I took a deep breath in and sighed. I rested my head on Niall's shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me. We sat there and enjoyed the sunset.

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