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Chapter 54- {Niall's POV}

I headed toward the park. I knew she would be there, she always went there. I wondered through the dark through the thick trees looking. I looked up at the sky. The stars danced like little fireflies, like silver-sequins gleaming in the infinite black sky. The woods always look different at night, everything had an unfamiliar slant to it. I walked until I could see a silhouette of someone sitting up against a tree. Her silhouette was definite, it was like someone had cut carefully around her and peeled her away to leave only blackness behind.

"Maddie?" I asked in a soft voice.

"What do you want?" She groaned, whipping her eyes.

"I--" I paused. My heart began to race. "I'm sorry, okay."

"Sorry for what Niall? For ending things for no reason?" I sat down next her but she moved away.

"The reason I ended things is because I wasn't feeling the spark between us anymore. I wasn't feeling that connection. So, I thought being friends for a while would be better, but now that I've ended things, it's not." I confessed. She was silent.

"I hated seeing you so sad." I finished. "Seeing that your feelings for me were still the same, made me regret my decision to end it the moment I did." She was silent still.

Great job Niall you made her feel like shit, and you messed up your relationship. That was such a dick move.

"So do you want to go home now?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"Niall don't try to change the topic with small talk. I don't forgive you, I thought you loved me." She started to tear up. "I thought you loved me, Niall. You told me you would never break my heart! But you did! I loved you and cared about you but I guess the whole time our relationship was nothing but lies. I thought you were different. I can't believe I thought you were different, I can't believe I fell for it. But now I know who you really are." She said, disappointed.

So this is how she felt. My heart sunk into my chest. I should've thought more about my decision before I ended it. Why did I end it, I can't let her slip away, she's different from everyone else, I need her, oh why did I do this!

She stood up and started walking home. I ran to catch up to her. "I know what I did was wrong and I don't expect you to forgive me. I wouldn't if I were you I'm a jerk and I deserve it."

She kept walking, not looking at me as she went faster. "Baby please stay." I begged. She stopped and turned to face me. "Niall, we can't be together anymore, I'm sorry."

She continued walking quick, leaving me speechless in the darkest of night. I fell to my knees and covered my face with my hands. She's gone. She will never forgive me. I lost the best thing I've ever had and it's all my fault.

Anger pulsing through me body, I stood up and threw my fist at a tree with all the energy I could muster and I cried. I never cry. But I wasn't strong without her, so let it out. I let the tears fall off my face with carelessness. I tried to hide my sobs, but overcome by grief, I broke down.

It was like this for 20 minutes. When my sobs came to just a sniffle, I stumbled up onto my feet and I began to walk. I didn't pay any attention to where I was going or what I was doing. I just walked. I must've been tired from crying or my body just couldn't take anymore emotion because I couldn't feel anymore. I didn't think, I didn't feel. I was a zombie; a shell of a once vibrant human being that was torn apart; ripped to the core by devastation and grief and was left to deteriorate until nothing could hurt it any more. My mind was blank. I was blinded by sadness. I was nothing without her.

You guys I know I've been gone forever! But I'm back and I'm gonna continue!! Thanks for all the support! You guys rock! I'll have the next chapter up soon!

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