Forgive and Forget

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Chapter 11- {Maddie's POV}

I stood in the opening of the screen door. I knocked on the wall, "Can I come out?" I asked. Niall turned around to see who it was, then turned back around and starred out into the street. I slid the door shut and sat down by Niall. "Hey." I paused. "We need to talk." We were both silent, all we could hear was the occasional car driving by. "Listen Niall. I'm sorry. I was just having fun with Liam and I guess I got caught up." I blurted. "You got a little more than just caught up, you guys were getting into it." Niall said, disappointedly. "Niall I'm sorry. I don't like Liam in the way you think. I'm still getting used to the fact that I'm living with One Direction. Well let's be honest, Im still getting used to the fact that I'm the same country as One Direction. I mean I used to obsess over you guys everyday of my life dreaming of a day when I would meet you all. I used to love all of you, I thought you all were absolutely adorable. You know like every other girl in this fandom." Niall chucked a little to himself. "Well let's be honest, I still do think you all are adorable. But when I met you guys, I went for you Niall. You were the one I wanted." I explained. "If I didn't want to be with you, I would've went for one of the other guys." I finished.

"Do you really mean all of that?" Niall asked. "Absolutly Niall, you are perfect in every way." I said. He smiled a little and I wiped his tears away. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tight. "Cheer up buddy." I said, still hugging him rocking back and forth. "It's cold out here." I said shivering. "Yeah let's go inside!" Niall suggested. "Good idea." I agreed.

"You all good?" Zayn asked. "We're all good." I said, hugging Niall's side. "Ooooo!" Louis teased. I rolled my eyes and smiled. "You guys are as perfect as Maya and Harry." Maya looked at Harry and blushed.

{Maya's POV}

One morning I was sitting outside enjoying the morning and the busy street when a girl tripped and her things went falling to the ground. "Here let me help you with that!" I said generously. I helped her with her things and handed them to her. "Thanks! Hi I'm Hannah." she said holding her hand out. "I'm Maya." I said shaking her hand. I noticed her iPhone case was of One Direction. "Are you a directioner?" I asked. "Well, an obsessed fan girl, more like." She said. "Me too! Well I've got a surprise for you in my apartment." I said. "Follow me." I lead her to the door and let her in.

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