Chapter 53

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Chapter 53- {Maddie's POV}

I looked down as I walked, watching my feet take step after step. The streets were dark and I could barely see. There was no one around, just a few people once and a while. Why did Niall want to take a break? Tears streamed down my face again. And why didn't he explain what this was all about? It was 11:30 and I was exhausted. I found a bench and I sat down and took my heels off. I was only a few blocks away from the party, I hadn't gotten too far. I crossed my arms and leaned back. I began to doze off and I fell asleep.

{Harry's POV}

Where was she? I wondered around town searching for Maddie. Honestly, I didn't agree with Niall's actions at all. I didn't understand why he needed a break from Maddie but I just left him alone and didn't ask. I was about to give up when I found her, asleep on a park bench. I crossed my arms.

"Jesus." I said to myself. I went over and picked her up in my arms. she was pretty light, she was on the short side and she was skinny. I carried her back to the apartment room which was only a block away and set her down on the couch. I grabbed the newspaper from the counter and sat down next to her to read it. Just then she awoke.

"Hey hon." I said as she sat up. I flipped the page of the paper and scanned the next page.

"Hey." She still looked upset.

"Come here." I patted the couch next to me. She scoot over and rested her head on my arm and I put my arm around her.

"Honestly, I don't know what Niall is thinking right now." I said, comforting her. Then my phone vibrated, it was Maya.

"Where are you?"

"I'm at the apartment with Maddie."

"Why? What happend?"

"Niall said they needed to take a 'break' but I don't know why."

"Alright, where the hell is that boy?"

"I don't know, he just disappeared somewhere."

Maddie had fallen asleep again.

{Maya's POV}

What is Niall thinking? What could possibly be going through that boys mind? I couldn't believe that he just did that to Maddie! I walked quickly through the crowd of people and accidentally ran into Niall. Speaking of the devil.

"Hey where did Harry go?"

"Why should I tell you?!" I sighed and angrily walked away.

{Harry's POV}

My phone vibrated again and this time it was Niall calling me. I picked it up put it to my ear.


"Where are you?"

"I'm at the apartment with your girl! Well I guess she isn't your girl anymore."

Niall was silent for a moment. "Where did she go?"

"She wandered around town and I found her asleep on a park bench! Man, what are you thinking?!"

"I don't know I just. . . "

"Get it together Niall." I hung up the phone. Maddie was asleep still. I was a little irritated with Niall for what he did. I crossed my arms. I thought about Maya and I dancing earlier that night. We were dancing closely. Her arms were wrapped around me and her head was on my chest. I smiled just thinking about it. Soon after I got tired and fell asleep.

{Niall's POV}

I walked down the street, never looking up. What have I done? I screwed up, big time and I couldn't take it back. Harry was right, I was a jerk. I kept walking around not really caring where I was going.

{Louis' POV}

Where in the hell did everyone go? I wondered around Britney's house looking for someone, anyone.

"Lou!" I heard from behind me. I turned.

"Olivia! Where did everyone go?" I asked, walking toward her.

"Apperently Niall ended it with Maddie." Olivia frowned. "I texted Maddie to see how she was doing but she hasn't replied yet."

"Why did Niall end it?" I asked puzzled. Olivia shrugged.

"Well Harry texted me saying we should avoid coming back to the apartment right now." she said. "So want to go for a walk?"

"I would be delighted." I said. We both giggled. I took her hand and we walked down the street together in the night.

We walked around for 45 minutes and then went back to the apartment. We walked in and Harry and Maddie were asleep on a couch and Zayn and Liam were asleep as well. We went into the bed room and got in bed. We got situated and immediately went to sleep.

{Maddie's POV}

I awoke and I was curled up next to Harry, who was asleep. I carfully stood up, trying not to wake him and stretched. I sat back on the couch. I wasn't even tired anymore and was too distracted to sleep. Niall wasn't home yet, but everyone else was asleep. I decided to go for a walk, I wasn't going to get to sleep anytime soon so I thought why not. I wrote a short note saying where I was, just in case someone were to wake up and I left it on the counter. I cut through some alleys and ended up in the park where there is an area with many trees. I liked to go walk there when I needed to think about things. I walked in the dark as tears streamed down my face. 

{Niall's POV}

I walked back to the apartment at 3 in the morning, exhausted. When I walked in, everyone was sound asleep except Maddie. Where was she? I noticed a note on the counter and read it. I felt like a jerk. It was all my fault she was so upset. I don't deserve her. I need to go find her and talk to her. I grabbed my phone and snuck out into the night. 

One of Them (One direction Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz